September, 9o2. [
THE CON I)(R o5 observed on several of the Santa Bar- bara Islands). x87L Monterey in the Dry Season. --Am. Naturalist IV, February x87x, pp. 756-758 . (Running account of thirty species of birds observed in the vicinity of Monterey.) x874. Animal Life of the Cuyamaca Mountains.--Am. Naturalist VIII, Jan- uary x874 , pp. x4-x8. (Brief mention of 84 speeies of birds observed in the vicinity of the Cuyamaca Mountains, San Diego County). x874. "Verbal Remarks." --Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc. V, December x874, pp. 4x4- 4x5- (Specimens of [frialomvia, which later proved to have been the young of fria cahfornica, and Xtercorarius para- silicus from the coast of California.) x875. Notes on California Thrushes. --Am. Naturalist IX, February r875 , pp. I x4-Ix6. (Corrections in regard to the "Ornithology of California:" 7'urdus ustulalus and "7'. nanus.") 875. New Facts relating to Cali- fornian Ornithology--No. . --Proc. Cal. Ac. So. VI, December 875, pp. 89-2o2. (Extended critical and bio- graphical notes on a number of the less known species. 876. Early nesting of the Anna Hummingbird. --Am. Naturalist X, January 876, pp. 48-50. (In the vicin- ity of Haywards). 876. Californian Garden Birds. --Am. Naturalist X, February 876 , pp. 9o-96. (Running account of about forty species nesting in the neighbor- hood of Haywards. Incidentally Coop- er names and characterizes on page 9 I a western race of the Tree Swallow, "Ifirundo bcolor var. vea75erlina." It is interesting to note that this was the only "variety" or subspecies Cooper ever named, for as shown by most of his writings he did not lean strongly toward trinomialism. In spite of the fact that vesperllna was ignored by Cooper's contemporaries, and has until now remained ahnost completely buried, there seems to be a distinguishable western race of the Tree Swallow, and tiffs should be knoivn as Tachycinela bi- color z'eaerlina (Cooper). x876. Nesting Habits of the Cali- fornian House Wren (Troglodytes aedon vat. parkmanni). --Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club I, November T876, pp. 79-8x. T877. On Seventy-five Doubtful West-coast Birds. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club II, October x877, pp. 88-97. (Re- marks concerning numerous species at- tributed to California by early writers, but the occurrence of which is now doubtful). x878. Californian Prairie Chickens. --Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, April 878, p. 96. (On the status in California of Tetrao columbiaus [= ?ediwceles phasain- el/us co!um3ianus]. ) 88o. On the Migration and Nesting Habits of West-coast Birds. Proc. U. S. N.M. II, January x88o, pp. 24x-25x. (A list of 73 species, with dates of mi- gration and nesting at several points in California). 886. The 'Water Birds of North America'A Few Corrections. --Auk III, January x886, pp. x24-x26. (Re- lating to the notes on California birds incorporated from Cooper's writings into Baird, Brewer and Ridgway's work). 886. The 'Water Birds of North America'--Explanations. --Auk III, July 886, pp. 4o-4o2. 887. Additions to the Birds of Ven- tura County, California. --Auk IV, April 887, pp. 85-94. (Extended notes on 29 species, with mention of many more). 89 o. Note on Padfie Coast Birds. --Auk VII, April 89 o, pp. 24-26. (Explanations in regard to the "Ornith- ology of California.") 89o. A Doomed Bird. Zoe I, Oc- tober 89o, pp. 248-249. (The Cali- fornia Vulture). 89. Unusual Nesting Place of Empidonax hammondi. --Zoe II, July 89, pp. m4-m7. (Breeding at Hay-