THE CONDOR Vol. IV Official Minutes Southern Division. The Division met June 28 at the residence of F. S. Daggett in Pasadena, President Daggett presiding and six members present. John B. Feudge of Highland Park, Cal., was elected to active membership. Mr. Judson exhibited a nest of the yellow warbler containing one egg of the warbler and one of the cowbird; this is the first known record of the latter's occur- renee in this county. Mr. Gaylord gave a de- scription of Guadalupe Island and an account of the animal life found thereon. Extended discussion on various bird subiects was in- dulged in. H. J. LELAND, Sec'ypro tern. AUGUST. The Division met August 30 at the residence of O. W. Howard in Los Angeles with eleven members present. G. FreanMorcom was pres- ent as a visitor. The names of J. G. Brown and Lester Hart of Santa Monica were proposed for active membership. Mr. Howard placed on exhibition part of his collection of eggs and nests taken in Arizona this season. Nearly all the rarer Arizona eggs were represented and the nests were arranged to show as nearly as possible their uatural posi- tions. Limbs containing nests of the Califor- nian and Arizona woodpeckers were preserved complete. Several sets of Mexican goshawk were in the collection. Mr. Howard related many interesting experiences in collecting various sets, his method of obtaining nests at the end of long limbs having been described in the CONDOR. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Div. Secretary. Official Minutes Northern Division. SEPTEMBER. The Division met Sept. 6 at the residence of C. Barlow in Santa Clara, president Grinnell presiding. Clayton G. Siefert of Auburn was elected to active membership, The application of W. M. Pierce of Claremont, Cal., to become an active member was placed on file. Remarks were marie by Mr. Emerson looking to arrange- ments for the State Meeting in 9o3 . Mr. Grinnell formally announced the death of Dr. James G. Cooper, an honorary member, at Haywards on July 19. A paper "In Memor- iam" was read by W. Otto Emerson dealing with the personality of Dr. Cooper. Mr. Grin- nellread a paper entitled "The Pnblished Writings of Dr. J. G. Cooper." Other papers of the evening were "Some Observations on the Rufous-crowned Sparrow," by C. Barlow and "A Study of the Black-headed Grosbeak" by Miss Anna I-leo ,ote of thanks was - _ -_ ..:e widow of the late Dr. Cooper for donations to the library of the Club. On mo- tion the Club adjourned to meet next at Palo Alto Nov. I. C. BARLOW, Div. Secretary. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. CHAPMAN, F.M. List of Birds Collected in Alaska by the Andrew Stone Expedition of 19oi. (Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. XVI, Art. XIV). DEANE, RUTHYEN. Unusual Abundance of the Snowy Owl (2Vyctea nyctea) in New Eng- land and Canada. (Repr. The Auk, XIX, No. 3, July, 19o2 ) . SHUFELDT, DR. R. W. Osteology of the Psittaci. (Repr. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, I, pp. 399-421, 19o2). WHEELOCK, IRENE GROSVENOR. Nestlings of Forest and Marsh. (A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, pp. 257 and numerous half-tones and text figures. 1.4o ). American Ornithology, II, Nos. 8, 9. Aug., Sept., 19o2. Annual Report Smithsonian Institution 19oo. (Issued'9o2). Biological Survey Circular No. 38. Inter- state Commerce in Birds and Game. Bird-Lore, IV, No. 4. July, Aug., I9O2. fournalofjgraine'Orn. Society, IV, No. 3, July 19o2. ]graine Sportsman, IX, No. lO8, Aug. I902. 2Vature Study, III, Nos. 2, 3, July, Aug. 19o2. Notes on Rhode Island Ornithology, III, No. 3, July I902. Jbvitates Zoologicae, IX, No. 2. July 25, I902. Osprey, I, No. 6, June, 19o2. Our Animal Friends, XXIX, No. i2, Aug. 19o2. XXX, No. 1, Sept. 19o2. Our 9umb Animals, XXXV, Nos. 2, 3, July, Aug. 19o2, Out I47est, XVII, No. 2, Aug. 19o2. Plant I47orld, V, Nos. 6, 7- June, July I902. Popular Science, xxxvI, Nos. 8, 9. Aug., Sept. 19o2. Proceedings Biol. Society o I47ashinglon, XV, pp. 161-I9o. Aug. 6, 19o2. Proc. Manchester Inst. q Arts d Sciences. III, 190. Recreation, XVlI, No. 2, Aug. 902. West American Scientist, XII, No. I4, July;
XIII, No. 1, Aug. 19o2.