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THE CONDOR Vol. IV Official Minutes Southern Division. The Division met May 3 with F. S. Daggett at Pasadena, Mr. Daggett presiding. The name of John B. Feudge of Highland, San Bernardino Co., was proposed for membership. Mr. Daggett read a paper on the loons, de- scribing the habits and nesting of the birds and calling attention to the various uses to which the skin and plumage is employed. After an extended discussion on various bird subjects the meeting adjourned. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Division Secretary. Official Minutes Northern Division. The bi-monthly meeting was held at the resi- dence of C. Barlow in Santa Clara July 12, C. A. Nace presiding. The following were elected to active membership: Henry F. Bailey, Santa Cruz; Miss Anna Head, Berkeley; Miss 3/I. E. Skillings, Alameda and Mrs. Ruby G. Bell, Stanford University. The application of Clay- ton G. Siefert of Auburn to become an active member was placed on file. The resignation of Frank H. Holmes as a member was present- ed and on motion accepted. The following papers were presented: "Nesting of the Ruby- crowned Kinglet" by H. F. Bailey; "Notes on the Vetdin" by M. F. Gilman; "Some Echoes from the Sierras" by C. Barlow. No further business presenting the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will occur on September 6, (2. BARLOVe, Division Secretary. OBITUARY, The Cooper Ornithological Club has suffered the loss of one of its active Southern Division members. Mr. Evan Davis of Orange writes: "It is with sincere sorrow that I notify you of the death of Miss Mollie Bryan which occurred at her home in Orange on Monday, July 7. Her funeral was held yesterday afternoon and was largely attended, as she was prominent in church work as well as an active member in the Ebell Society. At the time she was taken sick she was preparing an address on 'Birds and their Protection' for the County Teachers' Institute. Our Club has lost a very useful and active member. ' ' PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. FISHER, DR. A. K. Two Vanishing Birds: the Woodcock and the Vood Duck. (Repr. Yearbook Dept. Agr. 19Ol). MEARNS, EDGAR A., Descriptions of Three New Birds from the Southern United States. (Proc. U.S. N.M. XXIV, pp. 915-926). OERHOLSER, H.C. A Review of the Larks of the Genus Otocoris. (Proc. U.S. N.M. XXIV, pp. 8oi-884. plls. XLIII-XLIX). RICHMOND, (2HAS. W., List of Generic Terms Proposed for Birds During the Years I89 o to I9oo inclusive, to which are added names omit- ted by V'aterhouse in his "Index Genernm Avium." (Proc. U.S. N.M. XXIV pp. 663- 729). RICHMOND, CHAS. W. Parus inornatus griseus renamed. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. XV. P. I55. June 20, i9o2 ). .4merican Ornilholoxy, II, Nos. 6, 7. June, July, I9o2. .4uk, 73c, XIX, No. 3, July, I9o2. Bird-Lore, IV, Nos. 3, May-June, I9o2. ])'irds  JVature, XII, No. i, June i9o2. l?iolog'wal Survey Circular No. 37- 3[atne .%)*oqsmau, May, June I9o2. .lureVtud_v, II, No. 12, May. III, No. I, June 19o2. Ohio Vaturalist, II, Nos. 7, 8. May, June 19o2. Oolo.ist, The, XIX, Nos. 5, 6. May, June 19o2. Ortilho/og'is(hes/ahrbuch, XIII, Nos. 3, 4. May-Aug. I9O2. Osprey, The I, Nos. 4, 5. Apl., May, I9O2. Our ..tnima! ,%4ends, XXIX, No. Io, June I9O2. Our Dumb MuDhals, XXXIV, No. i2, May. XXXV, No. 1, June 19o2. Ottt Vest, XVI, No. 6, June. XVII, No. 1, July, 19o2. ]anl 14forld, V, Nos. 4, 5- Apl., May, I9o. ?opular&'ience ,'ws, XXXVI, Nos. 6, 7- June, July 19o2. ?roceedins /;ioloical 3'ociety of Vashin- lot. Vols. XIII, XIV and XV to June 25, 19o2. A'ecrcalwn, XVI, No. 6, June. XVII, No. 1, July, 9o2. Rest .4roerican ,%'[eIllist, XII, Nos. 12, I3, May, June 19o2. 1tWson /,'ulleJin, IX, No. 2. June, 19o2.

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