Cbe Condor
A MAGAZINE OF' WESTERN OFNITt'-IOLOGY lli-lonthly lluUetin of the Cooper Or{tholog{ca! Club Vol. 4. No. 4. Santa Clara, Cal., July-August, 1902. $.oo a Year Incubation Advanced. BY CORYDON CHAMBERL1N. INCUBATION advanced" is what I should have said instead of what I did say. I had watched that male Hutton vireo for over two hours and fi- nally "sleuthed" him to a small pine tree where I discerned a nest in the outer had climbed the tree and got out on the end of the very slender limbs I found the nest as per illustration. This all occurred about April 5, 897 near the Jumper Mine in Calaveras county, Cal. The nest was composed of moss woven foliage. It was about twenty feet above the ground and fairly well concealed among the pine needles. I could see the tail of a bird on the nest. "Patience and perseverance at last rewarded" says I, "She's setting. I can see her tail over the side--pretty nest tot)." When I together with fine grass and hair. A few lichens adorned its outside. The young were nearly full grown, two slept peacefully, but the third and probably the eldest was quite on the alert while I made a hasty sketch.