MAY., x9o2. [ THE CONDOR 73
Circular No. 35 of the Biological Survey has been issued under the supervision of Dr. T. S. Palmer, Assistant Chief, and is entitled "Directory of State Officials and Organizations con- cerned with the Protection of Birds and Game, r9o2." As the title implies it furnishes a com- plete list of all state officials and state organizations interested in game or bird protection, be- sides a list of the Audubon societies. The directory has been brought down to date and should be in the hands of those who are interested in the great protection movement. The Delaware Valley Ornithological Club of Philadelphia presents its Proceedings for r9ot in the form of a royal octavo publication, handsomely printed, and entitled Cassinia, "An An- nual Devoted to the Ornithology of Pennsylvania and New Jersey". Cassinia is a eontinnation of the Club's previous and less sumptuous "Abstract of Proceedings," while its increased size permits the publication of a greater volume of material. The initial nnmber presents an excel- lent half-tone plate of John Cassin as frontispiece and its sixty pages are replete with interesting paper read before the Club. Oologists will be interested to learn that the major part of the Jean Bell collection, recently purchased by Mr. John Lewis Childs, has been sold to Mr. C. W. Crandall of Woodside, N.Y. We are informed that Mr. Childs preserves but two typical sets of each species, and after filling any existing gaps from the Bell collection, it was sold as above stated. Mr. Crandall informs ns that his cabinets now hold not less than 5o, oo eggs, among which may be mentioned white- tailed kite; 42 sets; prairie falcon; 2t sets, golden eagle, 3S sets; California vulture, 3 sets; duck hawk, 24 sets; sharp-shinned hawk, tt2 sets etc. Official Minutes Southern Division. MARCH. The Division met March 28 with Roth Rey- nolds, Vice President Leland presiding and ten active members present. Win. G. Renwick of Claremont, W. C. Hanna of Colton, Clarence S. Sharp of Escondido, Thomas Brown of Los Angeles and Edward Howard of Los Angeles were elected to active membership. The name of Robert F. Jones of Santa 3Ionica was pro- posed for active membership. A communica- tion from O. W. I-Ioward regarding the condi- tion of a nnmber of caged birds in a certain bird store was read and the secretary instructed to investigate and if necessary to report the matter to the health officer. Mr. C. S. Sharp of Escondido presented a paper on the Swain- son hawk, and a discussion followed which brought out many interesting facts. The grebes were selected for study at the next meeting. APRIL. The Southern Division met again with Reynolds on April 26, President Daggett pre- siding and nine active members present. Robt. F. Jones of Santa Monica was elected to active membership. "Grebes" was the sub- jeet of the evening and a paper on the Ameri- can eared grebe was presented by Yloward Robertson. The meeting adjourned to meet next with Mr. Daggett in Pasadena on Friday evenin, 3/[ay 3o, when the loon family will be considered. I-IOWARD ROBERTSON, Div. Secretary. Official Minute l0rthern Division. MAY, The Division met with 3It. Chas. R. Keyes at Berkeley on 3/[ay 3, President Grinnell pre- siding and fourteen active members present. Mr. YI. W. Fowler was present as a visitor. The programme of the evening was first pre- sented, consisting of the following papers: "The American Ornithologists' Union of r84o- 45" by YI W. Fowler; "The Dusky Ylorned Owl in Captivity" by I-I. R. Taylor; "Nesting Ylabits of the Wren-Tit" by D. A. Cohen; "Vo- cal Powers of the Yellow-billed 3lagpie" by H. R. Noack. 3It. H. C. Johnson of Ameri- can Fork, Utah had kindly forwarded for the inspection of the club a set of five eggs with nest and male parent of Clarke nutcracker, taken in Utah Co., Utah April 8. The set is extremely nnusual as to number of eggs. Mr. Barlow exhibited a set of four eggs and nest of the rufons-crowned sparrow collected near San Jose on April 27. The following were elected to active mem- bership in the Clnb:--Lee Nims, Pacific Grove; Hubert O. Jenkins, Stanford; 3Iiss Alice M. Jenkins, Stanford; Frederick W. Kobbe, San Francisco and Geo I-I. Ready, Santa Cruz, Mr. Grinnell as a committee reported the collection of funds necessary to the publication of a "Check-List of California Birds" to be issued as Pacific Coast AviJuna iVo. 3 dnring June, the publication being now in press. Four ap- plications for active membership were read and filed as follows:--Flenry F. Bailey, Santa Cruz; Miss Anna Head, Berkeley; Mrs. Ruby G. Bell, Stanford and Miss M. E. Skillings, Alameda. A letter signed by five active members resid- ing in and about Oakland, Cal., petitioning the Club to grant the necessary permission for the formation of a chapter as provided by the constitution, was read, and being in proper form the request was, on motion, granted. The Club adjourned to meet at San Jose, July 5.
C. BARLOW, Div. Secretary.