doubtedly refers to the unmarked white outer tail feathers of a considerable per cent of the specimens from the northern Rocky Mts. (Montana). This character gives the under side of the tail a wholly white aspect. According to Malherbe the specimen was not seen by Hartlaub (he publishing Prince Paul of Wurtem- burg's MS. descripkion) but was then (I863) in Wurtemburg's collection at Morgent- heim. Consequently it seems reasonable to call the Rocky Mt. race 19ryobates pubescens leucurus (Hartlaub). As the meager material at hand does not justify the separation of the very closely related California birds on the strength of their slightly smaller size, the name will apply to them also. At some future time it may become expedient to separate the white-bellied California form under Caban- is's name homorus. The following is a synopsis of our western races of the downy woodpecker. a. Under parts pure white. b. White markings more extended; remiges heavily spotted and tertials barred with white; wing coverts conspicuously spotted with same. Geo. disl. Alaska, northern British Amer- ica, south along the mountains of British Columbia and Alberta to southern British America. ]ryobates pubescerts nelsoni Oberholser, Nelson Downy Woodpecker. bb. Wings not heavily spotted, and tertials not barred; wing coverts rather sparsely spotted, the lesser not at all. Geogq dist. Rocky Mr. region from northern boundary of U. S south in- to New Mexico and west through Great Basin to desert ranges of California, and east slope of middle and southern Sierra Nevada; west in migration to Fort Tejon, Cal. ]3ryobates pubescens leucurus (Hartlaub), Batchelder Woodpecker. ?icus leucurus "Herz. v. Wurttemburg" Hartlanb, 2Vaumannia II, pt. 2, 852, 55. 1 [ryobates] homorus Cabanis, AIuseum lYeineanum IV, 863, 65. ]rypbales pubescerts oreoecus Batcheider, tuk VI, 899, 253. ]ryobales pubescens homorus Ridgway, AIan. iV. tm. ]ds. 2d ed. 896; 597- A. O. U. Comm., tuk XIV, 897 , aa. Under parts smoky, not pure, white. b. Larger and darker; breast brownish smoky, suffusing white of sides of head and back; tertials seldom spotted; feet largse. Geo. dist. Coast region, from B.C. (lat. 55 ) south through western Washington and Oregon to northwestern California. ]3ryobates pubesces jgairdneri (Audubon), Gairdner Woodpecker. bb. Smaller and lighter, the breast averaging lighter; white of rictal stripe. sides of neck, .superciliary patch, and median stripe of back pure (except in intermediates); tertials 91ways spotted with white; feel small. Geo. disl. California, e:rcepl.' desert ranges and eastern slope of Sierra Nevada, coast region north of Marin Co., and region north of upper end of Sacra- mento Valley. ]3ryobates pubescerts lurati (Malherbe) Nobis, Willow Woodpecker. List of localities from which specimens have been examined; starred (*) loc- alities are breeding records. 19. p. gairdner CLtFOttA: Crescent City*, Hornbrook*; OR;GO: Columbia R., Fort Klamath*, McCoy, Polk Co., Newport. WASaNGTO: Shoalwater Bay, Seattle; B.C.: Babine, Victoria*. 19. p. turati; CALIFORNIA: Big Trees*, Calaveras Co., E1 Monte, Marysville, Monterey*, Nevada City*, Pacific Grove*, Palo Alto*, Pasadena*, Red Bluff, Sacramento Valley, San Jose, Santa Barbara*, Saticoy, Yuba Co., Volcano. Intermediates between turati and gairdneri. CALIFORNIA: Baird*, Ft. Crook, Mendocino Co.*, Mr. Lassen*, Mt. Shasta* (close to gairdneri), Nicasio*, Siskiyou Mts. (close to gairdneri), Mt. St. Helena*. D. p. leucurus. CALiFOrNIa: Ft. Tejon, Kernville, Quincy: NVADA: Up- per Humboldt Valley; COLORADO; Fort Castland*; WOiN: Ft. Bridget*, Laramie R.*, sources of Cheyenne; Mox: Bitter Root Valley, Ft. Keogh*, Ft. Custer, Hillsdale Gallatin Co.*, Mussel Shell*, Taylor Fork Gallatin Co.* For the use of specimens I am much indebted to Mr. Joseph Grinnell, Mr. Robert Ridgway and Dr. C. Hart Merriam, and for advice and criticism to Dr. A.
K. Fisher and Mr. Harry C. Oberholser.