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MAY., 9o2. [ THE CONDOR 69

resembles in the smoky' under parts and restricted areas of white on the wings, and from which it differs in its smaller size, much smaller feet, and clearer white markings of head. The present form is near true fiubescens of the Southern States, but differs from it in having much less white on the wings, the coverts and tertials offiubescens being conspicuously and often heavily marked with white. The fol- lowing table of measurements demonstrates the difference in size between turati and gairdneri. In the measurement of the feet, the posterior external or longest toe is taken as an index. turati: Longest Wing. Tail. Toe Less Longest Toe Claw. With Claw. Pasadena < 89. 52. x3. I7. "  92. 54, I2. i6. 5 " c 88. 55. I2.5 17.5 Sta. Barbara c 86. 52. I2.5 x7. Pacific Grove c 89. 49. 2. i6, Big Trees c 88. 54. x3. I7. Palo Alto c 9 I. 54. I3.5 8. Pasadena 9 88. ,50. 12.5 x6. " 92. 54- I3. 6.5 8ta. Barbara 9 88. 5x. 13. 16. Mort terey 9 89- 48. x 2.5 I6. Pacific Grove 89, 49. 12. I6. Palo Alto 5 92. 54. I3. 6. " 9 89. 55- 2.5 I6.5 Average, 7 3 3 and 7   9o. 52.1 12.64 16.57 ffazrdneri.' Average, 6 ( c and4 9  96. 60. i4.25 i9.55 The willow woodpecker in a typical form breeds from Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties north in the coast ranges to San Francisco Bay, and along the west slope of the Sierra Nevada at least to Yuba County. Intergradation with gairdneri occms over the coast region north of San Francisco Bay and in the mountains at the head of the Sacramento Valley. In California typical ardneri has been taken at Crescent City, and at Hornbrook, Siskiyou Co. Specimens from Mt. Shasta, Ft. Crook and Horse Cr., Siskiyou Mts, while not typical are near airdneri. In winter these northern intermediate forms are likely to be taken farther south. In the National Museum collection are four birds from Quincy, Kernville and Ft. Tejon, which closely resemble the race ofpubescens from the Rocky Mts. All are winter specimens and wanderers west of their breeding range. While they are close to the Batchelder woodpecker, they average smaller. On the other hand they differ from both turati and airdneri in having pure white underparts. In 1863 Cabanis x described /9yobates homorus from "California," designating a bird with pure white underparts. Mr. Ridgway  had this fact in mind when he applied the name homorus to the Rocky Mt. race described by Mr. Batchelder3 as oreoecus. In 852, or eleven years before Cabanis described homorus, Hartlaub4 published a description of ?icus lencur,s from the Rocky Mountains saying that the form stood nearairdneri but had a wholly white tail. The white tail un-

 Mus. Hein. IV, 863 65--"D[ryobates] homorus Nob * * Grosser als der typische nordlicher .D. (;aird-

rier/ (Audub.), mir grossern deutlichern weissen Flecken auf den Deckfederal und Tertiarschwingen und mir rein weissl/cher Unlere/le (italics mine). * * * (Californien)."

 Man. N. Am. Bds. 2d ed. I896, 597- A.O.U. Comm., Auk XIV I897, i26.

,3 Auk VI i889, 253- 4 Ueber einige neue oder wenige bekannte Vogel America's. Aus brieflichen Mittheilungen des Herzogs Paul Wilhelm yon Wurttemburg mitgetheilt und mir Anmerkungen versehen yon Dr. G. Hartlaub. Naumannia II, part x85z, 55. "'t5'cu$ leucurtts, Herz. v. Wurttemb. Steht dem Gairdneri Audub. nahe. 6 Zoll lang reit gauz weissem

Schwartz. Rocky Mountains. 83 o' (Jedenfalls nnbeschrieben,

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