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MAR., I902. [ THE CONDOR 43

talis. In the more arid Lassen Co. it ig probable that typical frontalis pushes farthest north, perhaps even entering Modoc Co. I have not seen birds from the Siskiyou Mts. proper, but they are almost certainly carbonacea, which with equal certainty can be said of the form inhabiting the western slope of the Cas- cades of Oregon. Ranging down the east slope this form intergrades through the Maury and Blue Mountain region with annectens. Tho the Fort Klamath bird shows some tendencies in the direc- tion of annectens, I do not believe the form is the result of the intergradation of /rontalis and annectens as has been sug- gested to me. The position of the Fort would indicate stock from the Cascade Range which adjoins the Willamette Valley Any annectens blood is likely to be simply an infusion from the Blue Mts. via the east slope of the Cascades, frontalis being altogether out of the proposition. With these limitations the map represents in a general way our present knowledge of the distribution of(he four essentially coast races. The following are the differential color characters SYNOPSIS OF of our western Cyanocittze, ex- WES'rERS JAYS. elusive of Mexi- Call forms. a. No white spot over eye. b. Bird larger (wing t52, tail t45) and bill heavier; head and back warm black; abdo- men between Berlin blue and French blue; wings tending toward hyacinth blue. Queen Charlotte Is., B.C. Cyanocilta stel- leri car/oltre Osgood. bb. Bird snmller lw. 47, t. 34) and a trifle lighter, the blues of abdomen tending more to 'greenish' shades (Antwerp series.) c. Back and head warm slate black; frontal streaks much reduced; abdomen Antwerp-verditer blue, darkened by gray east from breast; wings Berlin blue. Coast, from Cook Inlet to Vancouver Id., and northern Washington. O'ano- cilta slelleri slelleri. (Gmelin). co. Abdomen clear cerulean-Antwerp blue, not darkened by extension of tint of head. d. Whole bird darker; frontal blue spots restricted; head darker that] back; back warm slate gray. Coast of Call- ', SHO/LNo FIA NG $ Kooka

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