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THE CONDOR I Vol. IV Annual Report of the Business Manager. The annual report of the business manager of the Cooper Ornithological Clubfor 9oI was presented at the annual meeting of the North- ern Division on Jan. H. The report opens by commenting upon the present flourishing con- dition of the Club and recites the causes which have led up to the present conditions. Dur- ing 9Ol the Northern Division elected 45 and the Southern Division 13 active members, a total of 58 for the year, while 6 members were dropped for non-payment of dues, leaving a net gain of 52. The present active member- ship is 66; honorary members, 3- Two publications were issued in the name of the Club, by private donation, during 19Ol , and the sale of all publications was encourag- ing. The report urges that members attend promptly to the payment of their dues and that an assistant business manager be ap- pointed to attend to the collection of delinquent dues and subscriptions. It is also recom- mended that the new rule requiring written applications for membership, accompanied by the first year's dues, be enforced, and that ap- plications not so presented be declared not in order. The adoption of certain editorial rules, as explained elsewhere, is brought to the atten- tion of the membership with the request that they be followed in preparing manuscript. The financial statement for the year is as fol- lows:- RECEIPTS. Received from all sources ................. $799-3 EXPENDITURES. Expended for printing THE CONDOR, special publications, extras etc ...... 6o2.oo Half-tones and various cuts ............ 9q.oo Postage (letters etc) ................... 48.8 Stationery ............................ 25.05 Miscellaneous expense ................. T4.45 Mailing magazine during 19o ......... 7.39 Balance on hand ............ 3.24 $799 3 Concerning the Club and its membership the report says: "While it has enrolled ap- parently the greater majority of the working force of ornithologists in the state, there is a constantly growing and unenrolled number of workers who should be allied with the Club, and who can be secured by proper effort on the part of the present members. There are many secluded portions o the state in which lone ornithologists live and labor without that as- sistance which co-operative effort lends. Many of these workers are located in sections from which observations would prove most welcome, and yet it remains for someone to reach and impress on them the beneficial results which will ensue from their uniting with an organ- ized mcrvement. Thus the up-building of the Cluepends not alone on the scientific work of members, but to a certain degree on their efforts in effecting as far as passible a complete organization of our working forces." The report in detail will be printed and mailed to members during the present month. Official Minutes Northern Division. ANNUAL MEETINGi JANUARY. The annual meeting of the club was held at the residence of C. Barlow in Santa Clara, Saturday evening, January 11, President Grin- nell presiding. The following were elected to active membership in the club: Dr. David Starr Jordan, Stanford University; Dr. Chas. H. Gilbert, Palo Alto; Luther J. Goldman, Berkeley; F. W. Bancroft, Berkeley: S. A. Barrett, Ukiah; Miss Sophie Englehart, Oak- land; Mrs. F. E. Dorsey, Stanford University. Officers of the Club for 19o2 were elected as follows: Joseph Grinnell, president; Chas. R. Keyes, senior vice-president; E. H. Skinner, junior vice-president; C. Barlow, secretary; C. Barlow, business manager-treasurer. A cover design submitted by Walter K Fisher was ac- cepted and the thanks of the Club extended Mr. Fisher. The following names were proposed for ac- tive membership in the Club:--Leverett M. Loomis, San Francisco; Dr. R. F. Rooney, Auburn; Frank 1- Smith, Eureka; Murray M. Watson, Pacific Grove. Six members were dropped for non-payment of dues, as follows: Robt. E. Bruce, Horace A. Gaylord, Henry E. Graham, Jno. J. Neuenburg, H. R. Painton and Lloyd T. Stephenson. The report of the business manager for 9o was presented and on motion accepted. It was ordered that the same be printed aud mailed to members of the Club. The programme of the evening was then taken up. Papers were read as follows: "A Trip to Mono Lake, Ornith- ological and Otherwise," by Walter K. Fisher; "Bird Songs," by Jno. J. Williams; "Oppor- tunity for Club and Individual Work," by Joseph Grinnell; "The Crissal Thrasher in California," by M. French Gilman. After a banquet the Club adjourned tc meet at Stan- ford University March . C. BARLOW, Division Secretary. Official Minutes Southern Division. NOVEMBER. The Division met Nov. 30 with Mr. Roth Reynolds in Los Angeles, H. J. Leland pre- siding in the absence of Pres. Daggett. Seven members were present. Dr. F. S. Palmer of Los Angeles was proposed for membership. Dr. Garrett Newkirk presented his resignation as a member of the Club, but action was post- poned until the next meeting. The followlug nominations for officers for 1902 were made: President, F. S. Daggett; Vice-President, H.J. Leland; Secretary, Howard Robertson; Treas- urer, H. S. Swarth; Associate Editor, Howard Robertson. The chair appointed Messrs. Jud- son, Swarth, Reynolds and Robertson a com- mittee to arrange for the annual meeting.


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