Nov., t9ot. I
'FHE CONDOR 193 We extend thanks to Camera O'afl for the use of the two striking half-tone, in this is- sue, portraying gulls on the wing. Of the difficult subjects with which the ornithological artist wrestles, none is perhaps more difficult than to sectire detail in flying birds. The pho- tographic magazines now allot considerable space to ornithological subjects and we recolu- aterid to our readers Camera Crqfi, a high- class photographic lnagazine published at 220 Sutter St., San Francisco. It is an acknow- ledged leader in photographic journalism and is well worth the subscrip(lint price of $1.50 per year. Iu the election of Drs. David Starr Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert of Stanford University to active membership, the Cooper Ornithological Club adds to its roster two of the 14ading zoolo- gists of the Coast. Its membership had pre- viously included several leaders in the science from th two great universities of the State,- all of which evifices the great interest which celtters about the Club and its scope of work. Club members are requestedto consult freely the directory of nembers published in this is- sue, which has been carefully brought down to date together with addresses. Each member should learn the value of co--peration and should correspond or personally becolne ac- quainted with those members residing nearest to him. It is expected that the index for Volume Ill will be nmiled with our January issue as usual. Mr. R. C. McGregor, whose valtted offices as "official indexer" for the two preceding volumes have spared the editors that labor, is engaged on U. S. S. Pal/uSnder, and should nothing prevent will complete the index in good season for nmiling iu January. The authors of(he list of Sierra Nevada birds in the present issue desire to annouttce that it was originally the intention to publish the list as a JVacific Coasl ?h,z.'auna. This xvas later re- considered, and the list, although personally published, becomes a part of THE Co:vOR. iu addition to which appears the regular 2 pages of the magazine. LIVE WOODPECKERS WANTEl). The Commissioner of Agriculture and Fores- try of the Territory of Hawaii is desirous of se- curing a supply of live woodpeckers anti writes Mr. W. Otto Emerson as follows: "I aln desirous of obtaining a number of the downy woodpeckers to be introduced here on the different islands, Will you kindly let ate
know where I can obtain say lOO or 2o0 and
the probable cost?" Those who can assist in the matter are urged to communicate with W. Otto Emerson, Haywards, Cal. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. CHAPMAN, FRANK M., Descriptions of Six Apparently New Birds from Peru. (Ext. Bull. Aim Mus. Nat. Hist. XIV, Art. XIX, pp. 225-8 ). HOWELL, ARTHUR H, Revision of the Skunks of the Genus Chincha (N. A. Fauna No. 20.) JUDD, SYLVESTER D., The Relation of Spar- rows to Agriculture. (Bulletin No. 15, l;iolog- ical Survey, pp. 1-96 ). OSGOOD, WILFRED H., Natural History of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia; Natural History of the Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. (North American Fauna No 21. Issued Sept. 26, 19oi. ) PAL.XER, T. S. and H. W. Olds. Digest of Game Laws for 9Ol. (Brill. No. 16 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture). S[IUFFLDT, DR. R. W., On the Osteology of the Pigeons(Columbae). (Repriut from Journ. Morph. XVII, No. 3, 19Ol) ,dinerivan Orttitholoff.),, 1, Nos. 9, lo, 11. Sept., Oct., Nov. 'Ol. ' /ink, The XVIII, No. 4, Oct. 19Ol. ],'irds AStnre, X, Nos. 2, 3, Sept. Oct. 19o . Bird. Lore, HL No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 19Ol.
- latne 55ortsman, IX, No. 95, Sept.-Oet.
I9OI. 'Valure %7nd3,, lI, Nos. 5, 6. Oct. Nov. 19Ol. Worth Minerivan Ptztn', No. 20 and 21. .Voles on /ehede lslattd Oraitholog,'y, II, No. 4, Oct. 19oL .Voz,itates Zoolqicae, VIII, Nos. i and 3. Oologist, The, XVIII, No. [o, Oct. 19Ol. Osprey, The, V, Nos. 7, 8. July, Aug. 19Ol. Our Animal Friends, XXIX, Nos. 2, 3, Oct. Nov. I9Ot. Our Dumb .4nimals XXXIV, No. 4, Sept. 19Ol. lVlan! 1tZorld, IV, Nos. 8, 9. Aug. Sept. 19Ol. Popn/ar,5ience, XXXV, Nos. to, It, Or{:. Nov. r9o1. ?roceedings of the A.braska Ornilho/oxisls' Union; Second Annual Meeting, Jan. 12, 9Ol. (Published Oct. 19Ol). A'ecrealio,, XV, Nos. 3, 4, Sept. Oct. 19Ol. HZest ,4merican Xcienlisl, XII, Nos. 4, 5. Sept. Oct. 19ot. IVi&on Bulleli,, No. 36, Aug. 3L 9 ol- Directory of Members. of the COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. Honorary ebers: Belding, Lyman, Stockton Bryant, Walter E, 830 Valnut St, Santa Rosa, Cal. Cooper, Dr J G, Haywards, Cal Active embers (Revised to date.) (Residence in California unless otherwise stated.) Adams, Ernest, ClipDer Gap, Placer Co Anderson, Malcohn P, Menlo Park