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Nov., I9O. I. [

THE CONDOR brief notes concerning abundance, date of ar- rival and nesting data. An excellent half tone of a bluebird at its nesting hole adorns the list as frontispiece. Aside from the scientific meri]c of the list, itmay well be used as an ideal by those workers who appreciate system, typ- ographical neatness and exactness.--C. B. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEBRASKA ORNITH- OLOGISTS' UNION. This is a compact volume of IOO pages with ten excellent illustrations, setting forth the proceedings of the second an- nual meeting of the Union at' Omaha on Jan. 2. x9ox. The minutes, constftution of the Union and a list of members is followed by 2I papers on various scientific subjects relating to birds, by x7 authors. Many of the papers are valuable contributions to the science of ornith- ology, two notable titles being "Internal Para- sites of Nebraska Birds" by Prof. Henry B. Ward and "Migration Records and Nebraska Records" by Robt. H. Wolcott. The present notice renders it impossible to consider any of the articles in detail, but the report is one which every active ornithologist will wish to own. The present roster of membership shows 4 honorary, 6 3 active and 3 6 associate members. The officers of the Union for the present year are I. S. Trostler, president; Caroline Stringer, vice-president; E. H. Barbour, recording secre- tary; R. H. Wolcott, corresponding secretary. It may be remarked that the present Proceed- ings are a substantial improvement over the first annual report, thus indicating a healthy growth of this energetic state club. The Ne- braska Ornithologists' Union has happily solved the question of publishing its own official organ, and instead of attempting a monthly or quarterly journal, which a moderate member- ship renders incapable of support, it combines its transactions in a single annual report, sub. stantial in text and lasting in valne.--C. B. Official '4inutes Southern Division. SEPTEMBER. The regular meeting of the Division was held Sept. 3 at the residence of Roth Rey- nolds in Los Angeles, President Daggett pre- siding. Nine mmnbers were present. The final draft of the new constitution as recom- mended by the Northeru Division was read and discussed, and after minor changes the saute was adopted. Messrs. Alphouse and Antoniu Jay were elected to active membership. A committee of three, Messrs. Sxvarth, Lelan.l and Robertson, was appointed to make all ar- rangements necessary for the outing meeting to be held during the latter part of October. The following papers were read: Nesting of the Prairie Falcon by O. W. Howard: A Further Plea for the Collection and Use of Facts by Roth Reynolds and An Answer and Criticism of the latter paper by H. S. Swarth. An interesting discussion followed after which the meeting adjourned. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Division Secretary. ' Olficial Minutes of Northern Division. ' The regular bi-monthly meeting was held Nov. 2, 9oI at the residence of C. W. Randall, Pi.edmont, Cal. President Grinnell presided with seventeen members and six visitors pres- ent. The new constitution was given its final reading and was adopted to take immediate effect. The following persons were proposed for active membership: Dr. David Starr Jor- dan. Stanford; Dr. Chas. H. Gilbert, Palo Alto; Miss Sophie Englehardt, Oakland; Mrs. F. E. Dorsey, Stanford; S. A. Barrett, F. W. Bancroft and LutherJ. Goldman of Berkeley. At Mr. Emerson's suggestion a Committee of Five was appointed to formulate arrangements for the tenth anniversary of the Club's iuau- guration in I9O 3. The following were nanted as committeemen: W. Otto Emerson, Chair- man; J. O. Snyder, J. Eugene Law, Frank S. Daggett and C. Barlow. Nominations for offi- cers for 19o2 resulted as follows: For presi- dent, Joseph Grinnell; for senior vice-president, R. S. Wheeler, D. A. Cohen, Chas. R. Keyes and H. W. Cartiger; for junior vice-president, E. H. Skinner and W. K. Fisher; for se':retary, C. Barlow; for treasurer-business manager, C. Barlow. The following programme was rendered: Address by Win. L. Finley on The Bird Rocks of the Oregon Coast. Mr. Finley ex- hibited a large series of especially excellent photographs, the work of Herman T. Bohlman of Portland, who accompanied him on the trip. John M. Willard spoke on Lassen Coun- ty Birds and a paFer by O. W. Howard was read entitled Experiences with the Prairie Falcon. Adjourned to meet at Santa Clara Jan H, 19o2. C. BARLOW, Division Secretary. NOTICE TO NORTHERN DIVISION MEM- BERS. The Annual Meeting of the Division instead of occurring on the usual first Saturday eve.- ing in January, has been set for the second Saturday, January H, 9o2. The meeting will be held at Santa Clara, and a programme of unusual interest is being arranged, De- tailed rep0rs of the business office of the Club will be presented and a banquet will be held after the ,meetinl. Every member within reach is urged to: be present if possible.

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