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Nov., r9oI. [ THE CONDOR r87

The California Least ireo. As compared with skins from Arizona and southern Lower California, a series of Least Vireos rom California (Tulare, Pasadena and Pomona) agree in begin grayer dorsally and whiter beneath. The rump and sides are not distinctly greenish and there is no pectoral buffy suffusion. These differences seem to me sufficient to warrant recognition. The California form may be called Vireo pusillus * albatus. TYPE--No 96r, Coll. J. G.; 3 ad.; Pasadena, California; April 25,-896; col- lected by J. Grinnell. DESCRiPTioN--Upper surface almost uniforlnlv smoke-gray; top of head faint- ly hair-brown, and back with a scarcely perceptible olive-buff tint. Lower parts continuously pure white; sides faintly washed with olive-buff. Greater-wing- coverts distinctly white tipped; median coverts gray-tipped; wings and tail edged with whitish. Leres and eye ring whitish. Length t27 ram; extent t78; wiug 55; tail 56.

Among a .',eries of 4 o speinlell$ exanlitled, I e211 filial 11o evidences of intergradation between l//reo pttsilltts alld 

I . belli. .0tes on San tuis 0bisp0 County Birds. 1rio/a/trots /enl(inosus. American Bit- tern. While camping at Morro in July and August 9oo, I several times saw birds which I took to be of this species, but as no specimens were secured I was not positive. However, in November of the same year [ took several, thus making the record positive. The birds were fairly common and spent most of their time in the tules. 2Vyclicorax n. navius. Black-crowned N!ght Heron. On April 3, 897 I saw two of these birds at Paso Robles, one of which I collected. It was a male in spring plumage and quite fat. This is the only tinre I have met this heron in the Upper Salinas Valley. issa lridactyla pollicaris. Paci tic Kittiwake. March 22, 899, a bird was brought to me alive, which had been captured in a plowed field six miles east of Paso Robles and probably 25 miles from the ocean. I kept it in the zoolog- ical laboratory of the High School for several days, where it ate frogs, clams and other provender. Finally it was taken away and I kept it at home for about ten days when it pined away and died April 6. I skinned the specimen and compared it with another at Stan- ford University and concluded it was Nissa l. po[licaris, and later it was posi- tively identified by Mr. Joseph Grinnell. The bird was an immature female and was badly infested with mallophaga. Mr. Grinnell informs me that this is one of tire few records of the Pacific Kitti- wake for California. CI-IAS. S. THOMPSON. lanford [fniversily, Cal. Recent Records of the I:ulvous Tree Duck For Southern California. AM indebted to Rev. F. Reiser for a fine male specimen of Dendrocyna .letriva taken under very unusual con- ditions. While hunting rabbits in the Big Santa Anita wash Sept 6, 9or he nade out "a strange animal" moving rapidly among the bowlders in tire dry- est part of the wash niles from water. It proved to be a Fulvons Tree Duck; the bird was much emaciated and had no doubt, from weakness, settled there from a passing flock. Mr. J. S. Torrance reports a flock of twenty about the grounds of the Chico Bolsa Gun Club near Newport, Sept. 25 . October o a specimen in fine plumage was shot in the San Gabriel river bottom near Whittier. This bird also was much emaciated. FRANK S. DAGGETT. Pasadena, Cal.

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