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Vol. 3-

THE' CO NDO Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club, A B-MoNTHt, y ExPox'E,xq' )F CALIFORNIAN ORNITHOLOGY, No. 6. Santa Clara, CaL, N0vember-December, I01. $t.oo a Year Catchino Birds With a Camera. ITHIN the last two or th:ee years 'a great deal has been written on the art of photo- graphing birds and their nests, but front all that has been printed not half as much may be gained as by a little experience in the field. Hunting with a camera affords not only a pleasing pastime but encourages the closest study and its results are likely to be of considerable scientific value. ' To be successful the photographer must have a good knbwledge of the actions, ways and habits of birds. There is a charm in getting a good picture of a nest in its natural position that one does not experience in the collecting of eggs. There is a fascination in obtaining a good photo- graph of the bird in its wild state that one misses entirely when he uses agun. Natural history picture-making shows a much higher development in a man's love for nature than the mere collecting PHOTO BY ICFIMAN T. IBOHLM&N. YOUNG BRWR'$ BLACKBIRDS.

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