THE CONDOR Vol. III secretary pro tern. The following were elected to active membership in the Club: P. C. Mitchell, Downey; J. S. Appleton, Simi; Henry Grey, Rialto; Nelson Carpenter, Escou- dido; R. C. Wueste, San Diego and A. Stert, Pasadena. Mr. Franklin exhibited a nest and set of five eggs of the Western Gnatcatcher containing a runt egg which measured .33x.25 inches, the set having been taken on May 25. J. Eugene Law read a paper dealing with Riverside county birds. AUGUST. A special meeting was held at the residence of F. S. Daggett on August to. President Grinnell of the Northern Division called the meeting to order with six members present. The minutes of the previous (May)meeting were read and approved, after which the even- ing was taken up in discussing and revising the first draft of the new constitution, which the Club intends to adopt. AUGUST. The regular monthly meeting was held Aug. 3 at the residence of O. W. Howard in Los Angeles with eleven members and four visitors present. The resignation of W. Tyler was accepted. The names of Alphonse and Antonin Jay of Los Angeles were proposed for membership. Mr..Howard placed on exhi- bition a number of sets of eggs collected by him in the mountains of Arizona the past sea- sou. Among the interesting sets were Rivoli Hummingbird n-2. Coues' Flycatcher Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher 2-4, ; Vermilion Flycatcher ; Olivaceus Flycatcher t-5; Coo- per's Tanager 2-4; Hepatic Tanager ?, Olive Warbler ; Virginia's Warbler Red-faced Warbler 2-4; Painted Redstart Mr. Howard described the taking of many of the sets, that of the Olivaceus Flycatcher being one of the few known sets of this bird. The difference between the eggs and those of the Ash-throated Flycatqher was pointed out, the former being smaller and more finely marked. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Division Secretary. Official Minutes of Norther. Division. The Division met September 7 at the resi- dence of E. H. Skinner in San Jose, with eleven members and three visitors present. President Grinnell presided. The following were elected to active membership: H. P. Goodman and George Grimm of Napa; R. Kocher Jr., of San Jose; Chas. A. Swisler of Placerville; E. B. Towne, George Towne and J. W. Rosebrook of Palo Alto; J. E. Wilson and J. Q. Yonng of Stanford. The new Constitution was given its second reading and referred to the Southern Division for its final action. The following papers were read: "Recent Captures of the Guadalupe Caracara" by R. H. Beck; "Sum- mer Birds of Washoe Lake, Nevada," by For- rest S. Hanford; "Some Characteristics of the Mountain Chickadee," by C. Barlow; "Early Californian Literature," by Joseph Grinnell. Adjourned, (2. BARLOw, Division Secretary. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. DEANE, RUTHVEN. Unpublished Letters of William Macgillivray to John James Audubon. (From tuk, XVIII, No. 3, July, 9ot.) SaUF:LDT, DR. R. W. The Osteol- ogy of the Cuckoos (Coccyges). (Re- printed from Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. XL, No. 65). lmerican Ornithology, I, Nos. 8, 9. Aug., Sept. 9o. BirdsLore, lII, No. 4, July-Aug. 9o. Bulletin Chicago tcademy of Sciences, II, No. IV, July , 9o. fournal aine Ornilhological Sociely, III, No. 3, July, 9o. Laboratorium and ruseum, III, Ber- lin, 9o. raine Sporlsman, VIII, Nos. 95, 96- July, Aug. 9o. 2ValureStudy, II, Nos. 3, 4. Aug. Sept., 9o. JVovilales Xoologicac VIII, No. 2, July 5, 9o. JVoles on lhode Jslaud Ornilhologf, II, No. 3, July, 9ot. Oologisl, The, XVIII, Nos. 7, 8, 9. July, Aug., Sept. 9o. Ornitholo.isches /ahrbuch, VII, No. 4-5, July-October, 9o. Ospr,, The, V, No. 6, June, 9o. Our .qnimal Friends, XXVIII. No. 2, Aug; XXIX, No. . Sept. 'o. Our Dumb qnimals, XXXIV, Nos. 2, 3. July, Aug., 9oL ]>lanl [lorld, IV, Nos. 6, 7' June, July, 9oL ]>opular Science, XXXV, Nos. 8, 9. Aug., Sept., 9o. ]>roceedings anchesler ]nstilute lrls and Xciences. Vol. lI, 9oo, Pub- lished Vest qmerican Scientist, XII, Nos. 2,3. June, July, Aug., 9o.