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THE CONDOR Vol. III 136. $7. 38. 39' 14o. 141. 42. 43. 44. 145. 46. 47. 48. 149. 5 o. 5. 152 153. 154. 155. 56. 57. 158. 159. 16o. 161. Helminthophila rubricapilla gutturalis. Calaveras Warbler. This species was only noted on one occasion. Two individuals were seen on April 2o 899, and one captured by Mr. T. E. Slevin, who was collecting with me at the time. Helminthophila celata lutescens. Lutescent Warbler. Sparingly summer resident at Paicines, but more numerous along brushy hillsides in neighbor- hood. Dendroica aestiva. Yellow Warbler. Abundant summer resident. Dendroica coronata. Myrtle Warbler. Winter resident. Frequently found among D. auduboni. Dendr0ica audub0ni. Audubon's Warbier. Abundant winter resident. A few renain until about May 1, and acquire nearly full breeding plumage before leaving. Dendroica nigrescens. Black-throated Gray Warbler. One record 6, Oc- tober 2, 898. Dendroica townsendi. Townsend's Warbler. Occasionally taken early in spring, but never resident at any time. Our record, two taken May 14, 1896. Dendroica occidentalis. Hermit Warbler. Only record, May 12, 1896. Geothlypis tolmiei. Macgillivray's Warbler. Sparingly summer resident in willow thickets. Geothlypis trichas occidentalis. Western Yellowthroat. Common resident. Icteria virens 10ngicauda. Long-tailed Chat. Summer resident, but only met with in most favorable spots. Wilsonia pusilia pileolata. Pileolated Warbler. Abundant summer resi- dent. Antbus pensilvanicus. American Pipit. Very abundant winter resident. Mimus polyglottos. Mockingbird. Sparingly winter resident. Lives on berries of mistletoe. Harporhynchus redivivus. California Thrasher. Common resident. Earliest breeding record Feb. 22, 1895. Salpinctes obsoletus. Rock Wren. Resident in steep slides and rocky places. More abundant for the last two years than formerly. Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus. Dotted Canyon Wren. Resident in, steep, rocky canyons. Quite numerous in some spots. Thryonmnes bewicki spilurus. Vigor's Wren. Abundant resident. Troglodytes aedon parknmni. Parkman's Wren. Common summer resident. Cistothorus palustris paludicola. Tule Wren. Sparingly resident in tule patches. Sitta carolinensis aculeata. Slender-billed Nuthatch. Common resident. Sitta canadensis. Red-breasted Nuthatch. Our only records are Oct. 4, 1898; 9 Oct. 5, 1898 and a few more seen at that time. Paras inornatus. Plain Titmouse. Abundant resident. Chamaea fasciata. Wren-Tit. Common resident. Intermediate form, but seems nearer fasciata. Psaltriparus minimus calif0rnicus. California Bush-Tit. Abundant resi- dent. Reguluscalendula. Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Common winter resident. Its striking little song often heard in March. Among the specimens we have taken there are none of the darker northern form.

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