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o8. o9. 9o I THE CONDOR 25 Zonotrichia leucophrys gambeli. Intermediate Sparrow. Common winter resident. Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli. NuttaWs Sparrow. Common winter re- sident. These two subspecies in the aggregate are very numerous in win- ter, but we do not know whether the Intermediate is largely represented or not as it is very difficult to segregate them. xxo. Zonotrichia coronata. Golden-crowned Sparrow. Common winter resident. i i i. Spizella socialis arizone. Western Chipping Sparrow. Abundant summer resident. xr2. Junco hyemalis oregonus. Oregon Junco. Common winter resident. i 13. Junco hyeraalis thurberi. Thurber's Junco. Recorded in March and April. xx4. Junco hyeraalis pinosus. Point Pinos Junco. Recorded by T. E. Slevin April x8., 89o. x xS- Araphispiza belli. Bell's Sparrow. Resident in sage brush, sparingly in winter but sometimes abundant in spring. t x6. lIelospiza melodia heermanni. Heermann's Song Sparrow. Common resident around springs and small tule patches. xT 7. lIelospiza lincolni. Lincoln's Sparrow. Common winter resident in swampy places. Sometimes rather abundant in March ahd April. x x8. Pipilo maculatus oregonus. Oregon Towhee. Common resident; not abun- dant. x9- Pipilo fuscus crissalis. California Towhee. Abundant resident. x2o. Zamelodia'melanocephala. Black-headed Grosbeak. Common summer res- ident. x2x. Cyanospiza amena. Lazuli Bunting. Common summer resident. x22. Piranga ludoviciana. Louisiana Tanager. Not an unusual spring and fall migrant. Very abundant during the noted wave in spring of x896. x23. Progne subis hesperia. Western Martin. Common summer resident. Breeds in the neighborhood but site of present colony not known. Noted as early as March 30. x24. Petrochelidon lunifrons. Cliff Swallow. Very abundant summer resident. x25. I-Iirundo erythrogaster. Barn Swallow. Summer resident; not common. x26. Tachycineta bicolor. Tree Swallow. Common summer resident. x27. Tachycineta thalassina. Violet-green Swallow. Occasional flock seen in late winter or early spring. Common summer resident. i28. Clivicola riparia. Bank Swallow. Common summer resident, abundant in places. x29. Stelgidopteryx serripennis. Rough-winged Swallow. Common summer resident. Arrives very early in spring. x3o. Ampelis cedrorum. Cedar Waxwing. Regular winter visitant. Occasional small flocks seen at any time during winter and early spring, but not resi- dent. x3x. Phainopepla nitens. Phainopepla. Common winter resident. Some years quite abundant. x32. Lanius ludovicianus garabeli. California Shrike. Common resident. Abund- ant for bird of this species. x33. Vireo gilvus. Warbling Vireo. Abundant summer resident. x34. Vireo solitarius cassini. Cassin's Vireo. Fairly common summer resident in willow growth along the river. x35. Vireo huttoni. Hurtoh's Vireo. Common resident.

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