6. 9o [ THE CONDOR 2 Arias bosehas. Mallard. Winter visitant. Some years a pair remain to breed. 7- Arias americana. Baldpate. Fall and winter visitant. 8. Nettion carolinensis. Green-winged Teal. Fall and winter visitant. 9- Querquedula cyanoptera. Cinnamon Teal. Seen during spring migrations. to. Spatula clypeata. Shoveller. Winter visitant. . Dafila acura. Pintail. Fall and winter visitant. 2. Aix sponsa. Wood Duck. Fall visitant during migration. 3- Aythya vallisneria. Canvas-back. One female recorded. 4- Aythya affinis. Lesser Scaup Duck. Winter visitant. 5. Clangula clangula americana. American Golden-eye. Winter visitant.' 6. Charitonetta albeola. Buffie-head. Winter visitant. 7. Erismatura jamaicensis. Ruddy Duck. Winter visitant. 8. then hyperborea (sp?). Lesser? Snow Goose. Seen during fallmigration, but no specimens taken. Probably this species. 9. Branta canadensis (subsp?). ? Goose. Also seen during migrations in hll, but not identified. 20. Botaurus lentiginosus. American Bittern. Occasionally noted and appar- ently reside nt. 2. Ardetta exilis. Least Bittern. One seen but not taken. 22. Ardea herodias. Great Blue Heron. Resident. A small colony breeds every year on the ranch. 23. /trdea virescens anthoni. Green Heron. Common summer resident. 24. Nyctic0rax nycticorax nevius. Black-crowned Night Heron. Occasionally seen and apparently resident. 25. Grusmexicana, Sandhill Crane. Sometimes seen flying over in flocks. 26. Railus virginianus. Virginia Rail. Fairly abundant resident in rule patches and alfalfa fields. 27. Fulica americana. American Coot. Common winter resident. One or two pair remain to breed in some seasons. We have two or three sets of eggs in our collection from here. 28. Phalaropus lobatus. Northern Phalarope. A few recorded during spring migrations. 29. Recurvirostra americana. American Avoeet. One flock seen Aug. 5, 9oo, and two $ and one 9 secured. 30. Gallinago delicata. Wilson's Snipe. Winter resident. Always a few feed- ing in wet spots. 3. T0tanus melanoleucus. Greater Yellow-legs. One seen Oct. 4, 9 o. 32. Actitis macularia. Spotted Sandpiper. One record only, $ May 6, 898. 33. Numeniushudsonicus. Hudsonian Curlew. One flock seen May 4, 899 and three $ $ secured. 34- Egialitis v0cifera. Killdeer. Common resident. Abundant along river bed. 35- Egialitis montana. Mountain Plover. Small flocs seen Jan. 5, 898 and and two 9 9 secured. 36. L0phortyx californicus. California Partridge. Abundant resident. Inter- mediate between calzfornicus and vallicolus. Almost typical specimens of each can be found.