The American Ornithologists' Union
CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN Second Edition, r89.5, Thoroughly Revised. The preface to this work defines its scope and object and includes selections from the A. O. U. Code of Nomenclature, of special importance in the present connection. The table of contents consists of a systenatic list of orders, sub-orders and families of North American birds. The check-list proper gives the scientific and common name, number in previous list, and geographical distribution of the ,o68 species and sub- species, constituting the North American Avifauna. This is followed by a list of birds of doubtful status, and a list of the fossil birds of North America. This new edition has been carefully revised; the recent changes in nomenclature md species and sub-species described since the publication of the first edition in 886 are included, while the portion relating to geographical distribution has beeu much CLOTH, By0. 372 Pages, Price, $2.00. A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology. I. A. Allen lditor. 1'. iI. Chapman Assoc. lditor. As official organ of the Uuion, 'The Auk' is the leading oruithological publica- tion of this country. Each number contains about xoo pages of text, a handsomely colored plate, and other illustrations. The principal articles are by recognized author- ities and are of both a scientific aud popular nature. The department of 'General Notes' gives brief records of new and interesting facts concerning birds, contributed by obser- vers from throughout the United States and Canada. Recent ornithological literature is reviewed at length and news items are commented upon by the editors. 'The Auk' is thus indespensable to those who would be kept informed of the advance made in the study of birds, either in the museum or in the field. Price of Current Volume, $3,00, Single Numbers, 75 cts, Wm. DUTCHER, Business Manager. Agent ot The American Ornitholog- 525 MANHATTAN AVE. ists' Union for the Sale of its Publica- ' tiens. NI='W YORK CITY.