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THE CONDOR I Vol. III PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. CHAPMAN, FRANK M., A New Race of the Great Blue Heron with Remarks on the Status and Range of .4rdea warall. (Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. XIV. Art. VIII, Apl, 15, x9oI). HORNADA, WM. T,, Notes of the Moun- tain Sheep of North America, With a Descrip- tion of a New Species. (Reprinted from An- nual Report N.Y. Zoological Society, June r, I9OI). MORRS, RO:RT ()., The Birds of Spring- field and Vicinity. 4 6 pp., Springfield, Mass, 19Ol (See notice). SHUFELDT, DR. R. W~ Notes on the Oste- ology of 2copus umbrella and tialrrniceps rezr (Ext. Journ. of Anat and Phys. XXXV 4o5-4x2. I pl). SHUFELDT, DR. R. W. Osteology of the Penguins. (Ext. Journ. of Aunt. and Phys. XXXV. 390-404. I pl. ) SHUFELDT, DR. R. IV., Osteology of the Herodiones. {Reprint Annals Carnegie Mu- seum, pp. I58-249 ). S'oNE, WI'MER. On Moult and Alleged Color-change in Birds, (Ibis, April, 9o), SI'RONG, R, M., A Quantitative Study of Variation in the Smaller North-American Shrikes. (Reprinted from.Am, Nat. XXXV. No, 4merican Ornilhology, . Ncs, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Mar., Apl., May, June and July, .dnnual A'eport of the Directors of Field Columbian Museum, Vol, I, No, 6, Chicago, Oct. t9oo, Annual l?eporl Game and Forestry Warden of Oregon, 889-x9oo, 4unual l?eport U.S. National Museum, Part 2, 897, Issued 9oL 4nnual l?eport U, S, National Museum, 1899. Issued 9oL -luk, The, XVIII, Nos, 2 and 3, April and July, 9ot. 9ird-Zore, III, Nos. 2 and 3, Mch-Apl, May-June, 9o, 19irds  7Vature, IX, Nos. 3, 4, $, Mch, Apl, May, X, No, I, June, 99 t. Circular, o. 33 Biological Survey; Pro- tection of Birds and Game; Directory of State Officials and Organizations for 9oL April 8, Journal of Jffaine Ornilholoical Socely, Nos x and 2, Jan, Apl, x9o. andofXunshine, XIV. No. 3, March, X9Ol. 3/aine Sporlsman, VIII, Nos. 9 I, 92', 93, 94. Mch, Apl, May: xx, No, x, 2, June and July, 19Ol, raine 3orls.ten, VIII, Nos. 9 t, 92, 93, 94- Mar., Apl, May, June. , JValure Slud. F, I, Nos. o, H, 2, Mch, Apl, May; No. , 2, June and July, 19ot, 9tes on I?hode sland Ornilholqy, II, No. 2, April, x9oL Ohio ztluralisl, I. Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8; March, April, May, June, Oologisl, The, XVIII, Nos. 4, 5, 6; April, May and June, 9or, Ornilhologisches Jahrbuch, XII, Nos. t, 2- 3; Jan-Feb, Mch-Jfune. Osprey, The, V, Nos. 3, 4, 5. Jan-Feb, Mch-Apl, May, r9or, Our .4nintal in)fiends, XXVIII, Nos. 7, 8, 9. xo, H; March, April, May, June, July, 19Ol. Our I)umb,4nimals, XXXIII, Nos. xo, it, x2, Mch, Apl, May; XXXIV, No. x, June, I901. P_/anl kForld, IV, Nos. 2, .: 4, 5; Feb, Mch, Apl, May, 9ot. Popular Science, XXXV, Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7; April, May, June, July. Proceedings U S. Nal. /ruseum, Vols. r9, 20 218Ild 22. Proceedings (Abstract) of lhe Deleware Val- ley Orn. Club for, x9oo. Published x9ox. IPecrealion, XIV, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6; Mch, Apl, May, June; XV, No. L July, real l?eporl o./' the Secrelaiy o./' 2milhsonian sli/ution x,qO0-x 9oo. lVilson Bulletin, Nos, 34 and 35; March 30, x9ot , May 30, x9oL Official Minutes of Northern Division. The July meeting was held at the residence of C. Barlow in Santa Clara, Prof. F. E. L. Beal being present as a visitor. W. Otto erSon acted as president for the evening. The following perqons were elected to active mem- bership: Miss Ora Boring, Palo Alto, Cal., Willis H. Jackson, Pescadero, Cal.. and H. R. Noaek. Berkeley, Cal. The names of H. P. Goodman and George Grimm of Napa were recommended for membership. The resigna- tion of James M. Hyde was accepted. The prepared draft for a new constitution was given its first reading and ordered trans- mitted to the' Southern Division for similar action. RolloH. Beck spoke on "The Occur- renee of some North American Birds as ob- served ou a trip to the Galapagos Islands." A paper by Walter K. Fisher entitled "Breeding of lhresperocichla nz, ia in Cahforma was read, after which Prof. Beal addressed the meeting with reference to the work being done by the Biological Survey ill the matter of analyzing the contents of bird's stomachs. The Division meets on September 7 at the residence of R. S. Wheeler in Alameda. C. BARLOW, Secretary. The Birds of Sprin..field and bg'cinity is the title of a recently published work by Robert O. Morris of Springfield, Mass. The work consists of an introduction and an annotated list of 25 species observed within the vicinity of Springfield, together with a bibliography of the literature pertaining to the birds of this region. The work is bound in cloth and, barring typographical errors in its nomencla- ture. is neatly printed. Published by Henry R. Johnson, Springfield, Mass.

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