May, 9o I
THE CONDOR 8 7 concede the right of existence to any periodi- cal which will appear with reasonable regular- ityand promptness, but both patronage and sympathy are largely lacking for the "slow," magazine, while the tendency is umnistakable that it should be entirely withheld from the "one-number" class of bird journals. Official Minutes of Northern Division. ANNUAL MEETING, JANUARY. The Division met at the residence of E. H. Skinner, San Jose, Cal. Jan. 2, with thirteen members present and M. P. Anderson as a visitor. The program of the evening was first given as fi)llows:--Talk, "The Distribution of Certain Bird Races in California" by Joseph Grinnell, illustrated by drawings; Talk, "In- troduced Birds in the Hawaiian Islands," R. C. McGregor, exemplified by skins. Five previously proposed members were made active members, as follows:--F. H. Fowler, R. E. Snortgrass and J. F. Illingworth of Palo Alto; J. S. Burcham of Stanford University and M. P Anderson of Menlo Park. The annual elec- tion of officers resulted as follows:--President, Joseph Grinnell: Vice President, H. R. Taylor; Secretary, C. Barlow; Treasurer, I). A. Cohen. At the juncture of Mr. Emerson's retiring from the chair Mr. H. R. Taylor arose and presented him with a testimonial from the Di- vision for his noteworthy administration. The following names were proposed for active membership; Chas. M. Mannou and C. A. Love of San Francisco and A.C. Herre of Palo Alto. Mr. Emerson addressed the meet- ing urging the appointment of a Bird Protec- tion Committee within the Club, suggesting fifteen members from each Division. The motion was passed and a comple*e list of com- mitteemen will be found on another page. Resolutions were passed combining the office of business manager with that of the editor, who is empowered tocollect and expend all Club funds. The meeting now adjourned to a banquet where addresses were delivered ly ex-president Emerson on 'A Retrospect of r9oo TM and by President Grinnell on "The Out-
look for t9ot."
An adjourned meeting cf the Club was held on the morning of Jan. 3 with nine members in attendance. A Program Committee was crea*ed, to consist of three members. On nlo- tion the acting president was constituted Exec- utive Committee of the Club. A committee (,f three was appointed to draft a new constitution and by-laws, it being suggested that the annual dues be made $2, beginning with 19o2. Other committees were retained. The president made the following announcements:--Com- mlttee on Constitution, R. C. McGregor (Chair- mat): E. H. Skinner and T. J. Hoover. Pro- gram Committee, J. O. Snyder (Chairman), W. K. Fisher and F. H. Fowler; Editor and Busi- ucsq Manager. C. B:rlow: Associate Editor, XValter K. Fisher. MARCH. The bi-monthly meeting was held at the home of W. Otto Emerson at Haywards, March 2 with eighteen members present and Joseph Grinnell presiding. Under the elect- tion of active members the following were add- ed to the roll: Chas. M. Marmon, San Fran- cisco; C. A. Love,, San Francisco; A. C. Herre, Palo Alto; R. N. Diggles, Palo Alto: Prof. Ver- non L. Kellogg, Stanford University; Geo. Coleman, Stanford; Leon Hott. el, Napa; Verna Dresser, Pismo: Win. N. Ingram, Pacifi, Grove: H. M. Holland, San Diego; Cha Littlejohn, Redwood City; H.R. Johnsc- Palo Alto; Geo. H. Sharpe, Vacaville; French Gilman, Banning: W. F. Dean, Thre Rivers; Prof. W. E. Ritter, Berkeley; Miss Ellen Mathews, Stanford; Miss Lillian M. Jnlien, Yreka; Miss Bertha L. Chapman, Oak- land; Miss Bertha F. Herrick, Oakland and Miss Helen Swett, Alameda. Chas. M. Marmon was invited to address the meeting on the proposition of the Club beeore ing incorporated. On motion a committee wt ordered named by the president to draft suit able resolutions and to have matters in readi- ness to proceed with the work of incorporation at a special meeting to be called by the presi- dent. In anticipation of this action. the con- stitutiou committee. was discharged. Mr. Marmon was extended a vote of thanks for his lucid presen tation of tbe matter. The program of the evening was taken rip. A paper on "Two Years with Mexican Birds" by E. H. Skinner was read. Walter K. Fisher gave a talk on "Life Zones," and was followed with remarks by Walter E. Bryant. A paper entitled "Eggs from American Barn Owls in Captivity" was read by Donald A. Cohen. Mr. Grinnell read a paper entitled "Extracts from Publication Concerning Early Californian Ornithology." On motion the meeting ad- journed, to meet next at Stanford University on May 4. MAY, An open meeting was held .in the lecture- room at Stanford University May 4, with large attendance. Jno. O. Snyder delivered a brief talk st 5 led "A Day With the Birds of Tampico, Mexico." Robert E. Shodgrass spoke at length on "The Galapagos Islands," dealing with their general features. Edmund Heller followed with a talk on "Galapagos Birds." A committee was appointed to prepare a draft of new constitution to be presented at the next meeting. The names of Miss Ora Boring of Palo Alto. Willis H. Jackson of - Pescadero, H. R. Noack of Berkeley, J. S. Appleton of Simi and P.C. Mitchell of Downey were proposed for active membership. A communication from Frank S. Daggett recommending the formation of chapters in the Club was read and favorably received. The July meeting will be held at Santa Clara. C. BARLOW, Secretary.