ally shading into smoky-drab on the chest and hind neck; the color of the chest ending ab~ rnptly against the white of the belly. The under parts posterior to fore-breast and axillaries and an oblique bar across middle of under wing coverts white. Coloration of naked parts in life: bill yellowish-greeja, becoming more greenish basally; gular sac dark pea-green; bare skin before eye purplish-violet; feet pea-green. Length 720 ram., wing 384 min., tail 2oo mm., culmen 94 min., depth of bill 32 mm., tarsus 46., middle toe 8o ram. Adult female like the male in coloration, excepting the head and neck which are uniform with the back in color, the feathers bordering the naked parts of the head slightly grayer. Size somewhat larger than in the male. Compared with specimens of X. brewsleri from Cocos Island, the Clipperton specimens are conspicuously lighter with green bills and with feet greenish rather than yellowish. This is a common bird on Clipperton Island where it breeds in company with S. cwnops on the flat expanse of the coral beach bordering the la- goon. MEASUREMEBITS OF Sld(g nesiotes. L. S. J.U. Localtry Sex Length . Wing Tail Tarsus Culmen Basal Depth Middle Mus. No. of Bill. Toe 4271 Clipperton Id. ad 72o 384 2oo 46 94 34 8o 4279 ,, ,i $ 8o0 416 22o 48 98 33 86 4275 .... 84o 4o4 x9o 49 xo2 37 89 4272 .... 800 405 220 45 IOi 35 86 5. Mieranou8 liamesus, new species. 2rJpe--Adult male; No. 5o79 Leland Stanford Junior University Museum; Cocos Island, July , 899. /?affe--Cocos and Clipperton Islands, tropical eastern Pacific. .pecific characlers.--Near Wlicranous hawaiienszs Rothschild of the Hawaiian Islands, but dif- ers from this species in being darker on the shoulders, on the lower part and sides of the neck and on the sides of the head, and in having a more slender and shorter bill and shorter tarsus. Descriplion of the Type--Forehead and top of head almost pure white, back part of head and nape with a plumbcons tinge. Back of neck plumbeous, darkening into dark plumbeous on shoulders and then into brown on the mantle. Rest of upper parts, except upper tail-coverts and tail, dark dusky brown; outer webs of outer primaries sooty-brown, ahnost black. Upper tail-coverts and tail, dark plumbeous-gray. Under parts dark dusky-brown, darkest on lower breast and on belly. Lower tail-coverts somewhat lighter plnmbeous-brown. Tail below same color as above. Lores and line extending from lores over eye to middle of posterior side of eye, black, a small white spot in this line above posterior part of eye. Lower two-thirds of lower eyelid white. Cheeks deep dark plumbeous, pale color of back of head and neck scarcely ex- tending upon lateral parts. Length 388 ram., wing 224 min., tail 3o ram., cnlmen 45.3 min. tarsus 2. 5 min. ],tmature nale.--Top of head pure white, with a few brown feathers posteriorly. Outer webs of outer primaries blackish-brown, that of the first almost black. Lores, supraocular line and cheeks, dusky brown. All other parts pure dark brown, but with no dusky tinge except on tbe lower part of the throat. ldultfemale.--Does not differ from the adult male. In J/Jicranous/zawaiiensis the pale slaty plumbeous color of the back of the head and neck reaches so far ventrally on the sides of the head, neck and even on the upper part of the breast, that there is distinctly marked off on the chin and throat a median longitudinal area of dark plumbeous-brown well defined on each side against the p. aler lateral parts. WIfcranous diamesus is intermediate between . [eucocapi[lts Gould of the Carib- bean Sea, Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the western Pacific, and :r. hawaiienss Rothschild of the Hawaiian Islands in both color of the plumage and the size of bill. One adult male, four adult females and two immature females from Cocos Island