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May, 19o THE CONDOR 75

Z. Geospiza scandens rothschildi, new subspecies.. C'aclornis assimi/is, Scl. and Sal., Proc. Zoo1. 8oc., I$7O, p. 323; Sal., Trans. Zool. Soc., IX I876, p. 486; Sharpe, Cat. Bird Brit. Mus., XII, $$$, p. $. Geospiza assimi/is, Ridg. Proc. U.S. Nat. lius., XIX, $96, p. 537. Geospiza scandens, Roth. and Hart. Novit Zool., VI, 899 , p. 165 (part). 7'ype.--Immature female, No. 522, Leland Stanford Junior University Museum; Bindloe Island, Galapago3 Archipelago, June 21, I899. anr.--Bindloe Island, Galapagos Archipelago. Subspecificcharacters.--Much like G. abingdoni but the bill considerably thicker, the basal depth equal to or greater than length of gonys. Only immature specimens are in the collection but these differ so much frov' specimens of G. abingdoni of the same age that it is very probable that adults will be found to differ correspondingly. Some of the thickest billed specimens are nearly indistinguishable from small billed specimens of G. conirostris propinqua of Tower Island. Some are close to G. brevirostris. M:St::rTS o Geospiza scandens rolhschildi. I,. $. J.U. l,ocality Sex Length Wing Tail Cuhnen Gonys Basal Basal Maxilla from Tar- 3,.hts. No. Width Depth Nostril sus of Bill of Bill 5146 Bindloe Id. im ( 148 72. 44.5 21.5 2. 9.5 2. 15. 20. 5237 .... ( 141 70.5 41 20. 11.5 8.5 11.5 4. 20. 5145 .... ( I47 69. 42.5 21. 5 12. 9. 11.5 15. 5 23. 5722 ....  152 70.5 44. 19. 5 II. 9. 11.5 I4. 21.7 5173 .... ? 14o 66.5 43. 2o.5 lO.5 8.5 11. 14. 5 '21.5 5175 ....  145 71 . 4 . 20. II. 8. ii. 5 14. 22. 5163 .... ? 144 65. 38. 20. 1. 8. lO.5 14. 20.5 3. Geospiza fortis platyrhyncha, new subspecies. ype.--Adult male, No. 515 Leland Stanford Junior University Museum; Iguana Cove, Albe ~ marle Island, Galapagos Archipelago, June 7, 1899. /fang'e--Iguana Cove, Albemarle Island, Galapagos ArchipelaKo. 3tbspecific caracters--Similar in size and proportions o G. forlis dubia but mandible consider- ably wider at the base, 12 min. or greater. The three adult black males in the collection differ from adults of G. forlis duia in their wider mandibles but are otherwise indistinguishable. MEASURIiMENTS OF (;eospiza for/is fi/atyrhyncha. i,. s. j.U. Locality Sex Length Wing Tail Mus. No. 515 iguana Cove, Alb. Id. 4355 ........ 4351 ........ Cuhnen Gonys Basal Basal Maxilla from Tar- Width Depth Nostril sus of Bill of Bill ad  I47 75. 46. 18.5 9. I2. 6 13 22. " x51 77.5 44. I8. 9.5 I2.5 15 I3 23. " 148 76. 46. I8.5 9. 12. 16 13 22. " 142 74.5 43.5 18.5 9.7 z2. 16 13 22. " 71. 45. 18. 9.7 12. 15 13 2I. 5 4. Sula nesiotes, new species. Su/a brewsteri, P,,oth. aud Hart. Novit. Zool., VI, I899, p. 179. (1I , 2o/, N; 11o , W.) 7rpe,--Adult male, No. 4271, Leland Stanford Junior Univerqity Museum; Clipperton Island, Nov. 23, 1898. /fange.--Clipperton Island and adjacent waters. 3}Oecific characters.--Sinilar to S. brewsteri but brownish of head and upper prts considerably paler; bill and feet greenish; proportions averaging somewhat greater. /)escriplion of the Type.--Adult male, Upper parts, excepting head and neck, light sooty-brown, deepening on the primaries into purplish-brown; sides of chest and under wing coverts, except- ing an oblique white bar across the middle, brown like the dorsttm; head above and on sides white, with a yellowish tinge, becoming ashy or light drab-gray below and posteriorly, gradu-

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