'!escriptions of Two New Species and Three New Subspecies of Birds I:rom the Eastern Pacific, Collected by the Ilopkins-Stanford Expedition to the alap, agos Islands. BY EDMUND HELLER ANI ROBERT E. SNODGRASS. I. llesomimus melanotis dierythrus, new subsFecies. Vesomimus redanotis (in part), Gould, Voy. ]leafile, III, Birds, p. 62, I841, (Chatham and James Islands, Galapagos); Ridgway, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. ,XIX, I896, p. 489- 2Vesomimus redanotis mdanotis (in part), Rothschild and Harteft, Novitates Zoologicae, 1899, p. I45. Ty/)e.--adult male, No. 4565, Leland Stanford Junior University'Museum; North Seymour and (near Indefatigable Island) Galapagos Archipelago, April 27, I899. /?ange.--Indefatigable and Seymour Islands, Galapagos Archipelago. Subspecific characters--Nearest to iVesomimus melanotis. (Gould) of James Island, but'somewhat smaller in size; the bill smaller, the length of culmen averaging 22.6 min., and measuring 23.7 min. in the specimen with the largest bill, while in iV. m. redanotis the average length of the culmen is 24.6 mm and our specimen with the longest bill has a culmen of 26 mm; color very similar to that of V. m. redanotis, but distinctly paler and of a more reddish-brown hue above, approaching in this respect the color of the Chatham Island form, iV. adamsi. I)escription of the Type--Upper parts rather light, somewhat reddish-brown, paler and more de- cidedly reddish on rump. Feathers of fore half of head with less distinct pale edges. Feathers of back dark brown centrally, with light reddish-brown edgings. Hind neck with a mesially interrupted collar of the pale color of the sides. Wings dark brown, the feathers all edged and tipped with buffy-whitish, giving a very pale tone to the under surface of the wing. Upper surface of tail dark brown, lower surface paler brown; feathers with largelquadrate whitish terminal spots on the inner webs, those of the outer pair largest--25 mm in length, on the other feathers gradually decreasing in size and distinctness to the middle pair on which they are en- tirely lacking. Lower parts dull, dirty whitish. Sides suffused with buff. A number of distinct elongate brown spots on sides and flanks. Feathers of leg barred crosswise with brown. Lores, subocular region and auriculars blackish. A white supraocular line reaching from back of the nostril to the supra-auricular region where it is considerably widened. Lower eyelid edged with white. Bill and feet, black. Length 2o4 ram., wing IO 9 min., tail IO6 mn., culmen 23.5 mm., tarsus 17 Him. Sixteen specimens from the Seymour Islands and the neighboring part of Inde- fatigable Island, Galapagos Archipelago. Collected in April and May. MEASUREMENTS OF ADULT SPECIMENS OF .esomimlis melanotis dierythrus. L. S. J. Univ. Sex Length Wing Tail Culmen Mus. No. 4680 3 241 lO3 IOI 4694 3 250 los IO3 4664 9 238 95 93 4693 243 Io3 lO3 4659 97 9 4587 238 IIO o6 4565 240 IO 9 4568 242 II3 108 4566 229 102 lO7 4563 IiO II3 4620 244 Io9 lO3 4621 246 10 7 102 4635 228 lo 4 95 4612 . 238 Io4 96 4629 232 1o3 94 4646 240 lO3 95 Averages 259 1o5 94 Maxilla from Tarsus I,ocality Nostril 23.5 I6. 35. Indefatigable Island 23 7 .35-5 " 23. I5. 34. " 22. I5.5 34. " 23. I6. 34- " 22.7 I6. 36.5 North Se3-mour Island 23-5 I7. 35.5 " 23 . 16. 34.7 " 22. I6. 34- " 23-5 15.5 36. " 23.5 I7. 36. South Seymour Island 22.5 16.5 36 . " 22'5 I5.5 35-5 " 21.5 I5. 34. " 23. 15.5 35. " 22.6 16. 35.