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THE CONDOR I Vol. IV Official Minutes of Southern I)ivision. NOVEMBER. The Southern Division met on November 3 at the studio of Mr. Reynolds in Los Angeles, President McCormick presiding, with ten mem- bers present. Mrs. A. C. Wilson of North Cucamonga, Mrs. J. E. Pleasants of Santa Ana and Mr. E. D. Treadwell of Santa Monica were elected to active membership. The death of A. L. Lapham, a member of the Division, was reported, and the secretary was instructed to procure particulars. It was arranged to hold the annual meeting and banquet on Friday evening, January 4, IOOI at the home of Frank S. Daggett. A committee of two, Messrs. Daggett and Robertson were appointed to make necessary arrangements. The following officers were nominated for i9oI: President, F. S. Dag- gett: Vice President, H. J. Leland; Secretary and Associate Editor, Howard Robertson; Treasurer and Business Manager, H. S. Swarth. A motion reviving the Life History Committee and providing for the appointment of five members was carried, the appointments to be made at the next meeting. Adjourned. ANNUAL MEETING, JANUARY. The Annual Meeting of the Southern Divis- ion was held on Jan. 4, I9OI at the residence of Mr. Daggett in Pasadena. Eleven members were present. Prof. Geo. Conant and Dr. For- dyce Grinnell were present as visitors. The na es of Prof. Geo. Conant of Pasadena and Henry E. Graham of Riverside were proposed for membership. Mr. Grinnell read a com- munication from the Northern Division re- garding the peculiar and complicated situation produced by the present form of having a treas- urer and business manager in each Division. After discussion it was decided to abolish the office of Business Manager in the Southern Di- vision, but to retain the office of Treasurer. The secretary was instructed to draft resolu- tions covering this action, and the same were adopted unanimously and ordered forwarded to the Northern Division. The resolution in substance consolidates the offices of business managers with that of the editor-in-chief who is empowered to collect and disburse all Club funds. It was also unanimously recom- mended that the dues of the Club be made un- iformly $2. The report of the death of A. L. Lapham being verified, the secretary was in- structed to draw suitable resolutions and have them published in THE CONDOR The appoint- ment of the Life History Committee was de- ferred until the next meeting. Annual reports from the Secretary and the Treasurer were read and filed. The following officers were elected to serve during i9oi: President, F. S. Daggett, Pasadena; Vice President, H. I. Le- land, Los Angeles; Secretary, Howard lobert- son, Los Angeles; Treasurer, H. S. Swarth, Los Angeles; Associate Editor, Howard Robert- son. The meeting now adjourned to the banquet room where refreshments were served. The following papers were read: "Field Notes," H. . Swarth; "Distribution of Bird Races," Joseph Grinnell; "With the Birds and Animals of Wyoming," B. F. Hahn; 'The Birds of Santiago Canyon," Miss Mollie Bryan. JANUARY. The DiviSiOn met Jan. 26 at the studio of Roth Reynolds in Los Angeles, President Dag- gert presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The min- utes of the January meeting of the Northern Division were read. The resolutions empower- inc the Editor-in-Chief to collect dues etc. were ratified in form. Henry E. Graham of River- side and Prof. Geo. Conant of Pasadena were elected to active membership. H.M. Hall of Riverside tendered his resignation which was accepted. President Daggett announced the appointment of the following committees: Life History, H. S. Swarth (chairman), Edw. Sinmons, Miss Mollie Bryan and W. Lee Chambers. Program Committee: A. I. Mc- Cormick (chairman), H. G. Rising and C. A. Moody. Mr. Daggett announced that the Committee of Fifteen on Bird Protection would, be announced at the next meeting. The following papers were read: "A Study of the Birds of Santiago Canyon," Miss Mollie Bryan and "Nesting Habits of the Desert Sparrow Hawk near Santa Monica," by H. G. Rising. Ad- journed. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Division Secretary. Bird Protection Committee of the Cooper Ornitholo!lical Club for !001. (County given only. For full address see November CON)OR.) NORTHERN DIVISION. W. Otto Emerson (Chairman), Alameda; H. R. Taylor, Alameda; D. A. Cohen, Alameda; Harold Gay, Santa Clara; Wm. L. Atkinson, Santa Clara; A.J. Zschokke, Santa Clara; M. P. Anderson, San Mateo; Joseph Mailliard, Marin; Loren E. Taylor, E1 Dorado; R. B. Moran, San Luis Obispo; C. W. 'Randall, Alameda; Walter B. Sampson, San Joaquin; Jno. J. Williams, Placer; Jno. M. Welch, Tuolumne; F. C. Clark, Napa. SOUTHERN DIVISION. C. A. Moody, Los Angeles: Dr. Garrett New- kirk. Los Angeles; Roth Reynolds, Los Angeles; Geo. S. Chainbliss, Los Angeles; Dr. G. V. Coffin, Los Angeles; Miss Mollie Bryan, Orange; Mrs. J. E. Pleasants, Orange; Mrs. A. C. Wilson, San Bernardino; Evan Davis, Orange; Edw. Simmons, Los Angeles; J. Eugene Law, Los Angeles: B. W. Hahn, Los Angeles; H. J. Leland, Jos Angeles; Lee Chambers, Los Angeles; A.M. Ingersoll, San Diego.

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