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45. WESTERN ME&DOWLARK (Slumella magna neglecta)--A dozen or so seen in' a field. 46. CASSIN'S PUReLE FINCH (Carpodacus cassini) A few Seen perched in a mesquite tree. 47. HOUSE FINCH (Carpodacus mevcicanus obscurus) Several seen. 48. ARXZONA GOL)VrNCH (,4stragalinuspsaltria arizone)--Seen feeding .in field of sunflower. 49. WESTER VENEER. SeARROW '(Pocecetes gramineus confinis) Very common among the bushes of the desert. 5o.- WESTERN SAVANNA SeARROW (Ammodramus sandwichends alaudinus)--A few perched on the wire of the fences. 5I. WESTERN LARK SeARROW (Chondestes grammacus strigatus)--Only a few seen; date rather early 52. WHITE-CROX'NE'D-eARROW (Zonolrichia leucophrys )--A few seen. 53. GAMBEL"S S.eARItOW (Zonotrichia ,leucophys gambdi)--Along with the above; later . this is the commoner form. 54. WESTERN CmeeING SeARROW (Spizella socialisarizone)--Nu,merous. 55. BREWER'S SeARROW (Spizella breweri)--The most common species; seen everywhere. 56. SAGE SeARROW (,4mphispiza belli nevadensis)--A few seen ou the desert. 57. DESERT SONG SeARROW (W[elospiza melodia fallavc)--Several seen among the willows and others heard. 58. GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE (Oreospiza chlorura)--One seen in a peach orchard. 59. ABERT'S TOWriLE (Pipilo aberti)--Common along the river and about mesquite growths. 60. WESTERN BLUE GROSBEAK (Guiraca catruleR lazula)--One seen; probably an intmature bird. 6t. CoOeER'S TANAGER (Piranga rubra cooperi--A female seen. 62. CLIVV SWALLOW (Peirochelidon lunifrons)--A number were seen circling about the fields. 63. BARN SWALLOW (I-[irundo erythrogastra)--This species was seen in company vith the fore- going. 64. ROUGH-WINED SWALLOW (Stelg'idopleryserripennis)--A number were seen near the river. 65. PHAINOeEPLA (Phaitwfiepla ,nilens)--Less numerous than is usual with this species; only one male noted. 66.' WHITE-RVMeED SHRIKe,' (Lanius ,ludovicianus evccubitorides)--Commou. 67. LUTESCENT WARBLER (I-[elminthophila celata lutescens)--Fairiy numerous in the brush. 68. MYRTLE WARBLER (1)endroica coronata)--One seen. 69. AUDUBON'S WARBLER (1)endroica auduboni)--The commonest of the warblers; seen glean- ing insects among the branches of the cottonwoods. 70. BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER (]nd'oica nigrescens)--One seen. 7 I. HERMIT WARBLER (Dendroica occidentalis)--One seen; to be sure of no nistake I rode withifi ten:0r twelve feet of the bird. 72. WESTERSt 'ffnr, OW'-ROAT (Geothlypis trichas ocqidentalis)--Several seen near ;vater. 73. PILEOX:J'EffVFARBLER ( tI?ilsonia pusilla pileolata)--Only a few seen. 74. MOCIINGBIR) (W[imuspolyglotlos)--A fmnily were seen on a 'brush fence; from their noisiness fhey had evidently been disturbed by something. 75. PALMEWS THR^SHER (I-[arorhynchus curvirostrispalmeri)--Several seen. 76. BNDtRE 'S 'THR/.HER (t-lra'rpOrhynchus bendirei)--Seen on the desert. 77. LECONTE'S THR^SHER (t-fdrporhynchus lecontei)--One seen skulking among the desert bushes. 78. CRSSAL THXSHER'(I-lrarporhynchus crissalis)--Seveml seen. 79. CANYON WREN (Catherpesmewicanus conspersus)--One heard and finally seeu;usually found only in rocky platess:'., 80. BAtRD'S WRE,W (Thryomanes bewickz leucogaster)--One seen. 8I. WEndTERN I-lOUSE WREN ( Troglodytes aedon aztecus)--Several seen at intervals in brush ,fences. 82. ROCK WREN (Salpinctes obro[etus)--Seen at different titnes. : 83. VERVtN (/luriparus jqaviceps)--Common; more so anong the eat's-claw brush than else, where. 8 4. RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET (,qeuluscalendu/a)--Several seen; evidently just down.from the north. 8 5. WESTERN- GNATCATCHER (Polioptila cetrttlea obscura)--Seen ainong the mesquito> .... 86. WILLOW THRUSH (Arylocichla fuscescens salicicola)--One seen in the peach orchard where the Green-tailed Towhee was observed.

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