THE CONDOR I Vol. IV works. The woods and brushy hills in this neighborhood teem with animal life, and wild flowe without number grace their verdant heights. F. C. 2Vapa, Cal. Soho of the olden-crowned Sparrow. Mr. Lyman Belding of Stockton, Cal., submits the following query to CONr)O readers: "Does the Golden-crowned Sparrow ever sing while in California? I cannot say that I have ever heard it, though I have been where these birds were numerous. Dr. Cooper in 'California Ornithology' says it is a silent bird while here and he did not hear it sing on the Columbia River in May. My observations agree with his in this respect." [Will not members of the Cooper Club and readers of this magazine observe, listen to and report any song they may hear from Z. coronata? Any observa- tions sent in will confer a favor to Mr. Belding and to observers in general. Let the reports be forthcoming. ED.] NOTE--In regard to the name of the Pacific race of the Black-headed Grosbeak, Mr. McGregor's article in the present number of T}x CONbOa is quite apropos in reminding us of the name capita/is, which is cer- tainly applicable instead of the new name microrkynca unwittingly pro- posed by me last November. I did not have the pertinent literature available at the time of describing the form. It may be asserted, however, that none of the characters given as distinguishing capita/is, are determinant ones, being probably due to age or some variable cause other than geographical. The only tangible one seems to be that of the bills, Several Pacific coast males have the head as uninterruptedly black as Arizona examples. It may be fnrther suggested that the authority for the name capitalis is Ridgway, not Baird. Therefore the name of our Californian Black-headed Grosbeak becomes tech- nically, Zamelodia melanocephala capi- ta/is RDGWA (Hist. N. Ant.' Bds. II, I874, p. 7o.) . J. GRINNELL. A List of Birds Observed on the Pima Indian Reservation, Arizona. BY GEORGE 1 '. BRENINGER, PHOENIX, ARIZ, he following is a list of the species of birds seen during four days' travel in the lower part of the Pima Indian Reservation. These four days were Septem- ber 8 and 9, 25 and 26. Forthe number of species noted, this list would be hard to surpass, embracing, as it does, 86 species seen on a tract of probably not more than five miles long by two miles wide. Migration was at its height, and, what might be more accountable for the presence of so much bird-life, very little shooting is done on the Reservation. A brief description of the ground may be of interest. The reservation is located on the Gila River, above its junction with the Salt River. A strip of land on both sides of the river is cultivated by the Indians, water for irrigation being drawn from the river and from a lake. The latter is of crater origin, and supplies an abundance of water. in consequence of this never- failing supply, a large area of ground covered with a dense willow growth is al- ways flooded, and at the time of my observations teemed with bird-life. The crops along the ditch tapping the lake were luxuriant. The corn, the beans and the pumkins sent forth such pleasant freshness that it is not to be wondered at that the tired, wing-sore birds after a night's flight, should be attracted by such a scene of peace and plenty. Away from irrigation was desert, dry and barren, support- ing only such plant life as can withstand long drougths, and the heat of a long suninlet.