New Alaskan Birds * RICHARD C. MCGREGOR. Leucosticte kadiaka sp. nov. Xfi. Char.--Similar to eucostictewriseonucha but with smaller bill and smaller, weaker feet and claws. Tye-- ad., No. 3048. McGregor Coil., Karluk, Kadiak Island, Alaska; March i4, i897; collected by CloudsIcy Rutter. ]-]abitat--Kadiak Island, Alaska. Specimens at hand are in such worn plumage that wing and tail measurements are worthless. In spring birds from Karluk the bill is dark horn color, while in November examples it is yellow with a dark tip. Measurements in hun- dredths of an inch are here given for three males from Amaknak and four males from Kadiak. L. griseonucha. kadiaka. Exp. Culmen Bill from nostril ' Middle toe with claw .54 .48 .38 .88 ]Jlelospiza sartalra sp. nov. Xp. Uhar.--Similar to zF/elospiza cinerea but bill longer and more slender, nfiddle toe with claw shorter. Type--No. 336I. McGregor Coll., Sanak Island, Alaska; June I3, I894; collected by C. Littlejohn. Exposed culmen, .6i; bill from nostril, .48; middle toe with claw, i.o. ]-]abitat.--Sanak and Popoff Islands, Alaska. The Sanak birds at hand are all in worn spring plumage so that they cannot be compared with my fall birds from Dutch Harbor which are in fresh plumage. Mr. Chase Littlejohn kindly let me use his series of skins from Sanak. The following table of measurements shows the amount and character of. difference in size of the two forms. MEASUREMENTS OF zF/elospiza cinerea AND //. sanaka Sanak Amaknak Five examples of each. Average Extremes Average I Extremes Exp. culmen ( .60 .58-.63 -57 .54-.58 Exp. culmen 9 .59 -57--63 .56 . .54-.6o Bill from nos. .48 .47-.49 .44 -44-.45 Bill from nos. .48 .46-.51 .45 .43--47 Mid. toe With claw ( i.o 3 x.oi-i.o6 I.O7 i.o6-i.o8
- An author's edition of too copies was distributed Nov. 25, 9oo.