Jan., t9Ol I T}11,; CDNI}DR
"SNAP SHOTS AT PROMINENT ORNITHOLOGISTS. NO. I." 23 9. 7'rin7 minutilla Vieill. Least Sandpiper. Nutchuk, adult, June 30. m. tfeteractitis incanus (Gmel.). Wandering Tattler. Orca, adult, July x9-- H. ,4renria melanocephala (Vig.). Black Turnstone. Orca, four adults, July x9. 2. tfcemtopus bachmaul Aud. Black Oyster-catcher. Nutchuk, c adult, July 5. 3. trchibuteo laopus sanctiv'ohannis (Gruel.). American Rough-legged Hawk. Iak Lake, juvenile (full grown), July 24. x 4. Corvus caurznusBaird. Northwest Crow. Orca, c juvenile (full grown), luly 5. trnmodraiiussan.twichensis alaudinus (Bonap.). Western Savanna Sparrow. Nutchuk, c adult, July 2. 6. Passerella iff.qca anectens Ridgw. Yakntat Fox Sparrow. Nutchuk, eight specimeus, June 30 to July 7; Orca, adult, June 27. 7. tfirundo erythroffaster Bodd. Barn Swallow. Nutchuk, c adult, June 30. This specimen does not appear to answer to the characters assigned by Palmer to unalaschcensis. The Alaskan skins I have examined (Kotzebue Sound and Sitka) do not seem to differ on an average in wing measnrements and extent of white mark- ings on the tail, from U.S. specimens. 8. Cinclus mevricanus Swains. American Dipper. Iak Lake, c adult, July 23.
- Avifauna of the Pribilofs. 1. c