the bird is larger. No. 3638, taken at Karluk, but without date, is almost exactly like the type. But No. 3477 is much more worn, resulting in a much less rusty east of coloration. A Kadiak Savanna Sparrow in the California Academy of Sciences Collection is quite typical. There are also two skins from Middleton Island and one from Eagle Harbor, Shumagin Islands, all of which are referable to :anthofihrys. All other Savanna Sparrows from Alaska examined by me are strictly referable to either alaudinus or sandwichensis. Among about a hundred winter trnrno- drami from California, Washington and Oregon, I have not found one that can be called a:antho- phrys, though the latter two States present several specimens of sandwichensis. However, the Kadiak race is likely to be found wintering somewhere in the vicinity of Puget Sound. Measurements f trnmodrami from Alaska. sandwichensis a:anlhophrys alaudinus No. Coll. --46_ _L_. S_S.,,J_. U. 3466 ' 3467 " 3 2 C.A.S. 3477 L. S. J_. U. 3638 --"-- -- / 3476 t " 3620 [ J.G. 3618[ " Sex Locality Amagnak Is. Kadi-k Island Cape Blossom Wing D'pth Bill 3o 36o6 3.x3 .26 2.92 ] .27 3.00 .24 2.72 [ .23 2.81 . 20 6- Culmen. .46 .45 13. Zonotrichia coronata (Pall.). Golden-crowned Sparrow. Juvenile ? (full grown), July x 9. I4. 2Fklospiza melodia insinis (Baird). Bischoff's Song Sparrow. Three specimens, October and November, x 5. Passerella iliaca insularis Ridgw. Kadiak Fox Sparrow. Karluk, two specimens (no date). 6. Lanius borealis invictus Grinn. Northwestern Shrike.. Immature ?, February 28. x7. Cinclus mea:icanus wains. American Dipper. Three specimens, Oct. 9, Nov. o and 2. 8. Parus atricapillus septentrionalis (Harris). Long-tailed Chickadee. Eight specimens, October to January. These are not referable to occidentalis. The species may possibly here be a winter visitant from northern Alaska, where septentrionalis is common in summer and fall. 9. irIylocichla aonalaschkce (Gmel.). Dwarf Hermit Thrush. St. Paul, adult (No. 3493 Coll. L.S.J.U.), July 7, '97. This specimen is unusually pale and grayish dorsally, almost the shade of At. alicic. This can scarcely be due to abrasion and fading, as the comparison is ma:le with adult equally worn July and August specimens of aonalaschkce in my collection from Sitka. PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND. Eighteen species of birds are in the collection from this region, taken by A. W. Greeley in June and July, 896. . Gayla lureroe (Gunn.). Red-throated Loon. Orca, two adult males, July 7 and 9. 2. Lunda cirrhata Pall. Tufted Puffin. Nutchuk, three adult specimens, July 5 and I. 3. trachyramphus marinorains (Gmel.). Marbled Murrelet. Orca, adult, July .7. 4. Uria troile ca/ifornica (Bryant). California Murre. Nutehuk, three adult skins, July 5 and I. 5. Larusglaucescens Nanre. Glaucous-winged Gull. Orca, two adults, July 2I and 29. 6. Phalacrocora: pelagicus robustus Ridgw. Violet-green Cormorant. Nutehuk, two adult females, July 5. 7. A/ferganser americanus (Cass.). American Merganser. Iak Lake, 5 adult, July 24. 8. Phalaropus lobatus (Linn.). Northern Phalarope.
Orca, 5 adult, June 27-