4. `4mmodramus sandwichensis (Gruel.). Sandwich Sparrow. U'NGA ISLAND. But three specimens are from this island, taken by Shodgrass (R. E.) and Greeley (A. W.) in July, 897. L Lagopus lagopus (Linn.). Willow Ptarmigan. ad., July 2L 2. Zonolrichia coronala (Pall.). Golden-crowned Sparrow. ) ad., July 22. 3. ]asserella iliaca unalaschcensis (Gruel.). Unalaska Sparrow. ad., July 2. KADIAK ISLAND. Nineteen species are in the collection from this Island taken principally by Cloudsley Rutter during the winter of 896-97. A few skins were obtained by A. W. Greeley in Jnly, 897. This collection is of special interest as affording a new subspecies. L Fulmarus.fflacialisglupischa Stejn. Pacific Fulmar. Karluk, ) ad., (dark phase), July 20. 2. Trin35a couesi (Ridgw.). Aleutian Sandpiper. ), Nov. 5; 2 2 April 3- 3. Laopus laopus (Linn.). Willow Ptarmigan. Six specimens, Dec., Jan. and Feb. 4. Lagopus rupestris (Gruel.). Rock Ptarmigan. Karluk, adult in nearly complete summer plumage. (No date). 5. blralicetus leucocephalus alascanus Towns. Northern Bald Eagle. Karluk, two specimens. 6. ]icapica hudsonica (Sab.). Anerican Magpie. Karluk, six specimens, Oct.--Dec. "Very common; feeds on dead fish" (Note on label). The bills of these birds are slightly larger than in specimens of the same species from Nevada; otherwise I see no difference. 7. rvus cora' principalis Rigdw. Northern Raven. Two specimens, Dec. 2 and 27. 8, ]>inicola enucleatorflammula (Homeyet). Kadiak Pine Grosbeak. Q, Jan. 22. Measurementswing 4.28, tail 3.74, culmen .57. 9. Leucoslicte lephrocolis kadiaka (McGregor).* Kacliak Leucosticte. Five leucostictes are in the collection from Kadiak Island. Four are in winter plumage, while one, No. 3942, Coil. L.S.J.U., taken at Kadiak, July 9, 897, is a breeding bird, tires indicating that the species is resident on this Island. Specimens at hand indicate an almost complete gradation betweeu Leucosticte tephrocolis of the Sierra Nevada and riseonucha of the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands. Such being the case, then the latter form is a subspecies of lephrocotis as long ago contended (L. lephrocolis vat. riseinucha CouF. S, Key, 872, p. 3o.) I hope to further discuss the relationships of these forms as soon as some expected material arrives from the north. o. `4canlhis linaria (Linn.L Redpoll. ,Nov. 22; ) , March 8. H. ]asserina nivalis (Linn.). Snowflake. One specimen (No. 3767, Coil. L. S. J. U.), Feb. 28, Sex (?). Measurements--wing 4.5o, tail 3.00, culmen .46. This bird is still closer in size to lownsendi than the one from Belkovsky Bay. 2. `4mmodramus sandwichensisa:anlhophrys nobis. Kadiak Savanna Sparrow. TYv:-- ad., No. 3476, Coll. L. S. J.U.; St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska; July 8, 897; Collected by Greeley (A. W.) and Shodgrass (R. E.). ' DE$CR?'oN--Lower parts white; sides washed palely with tawny; feathers of breast, sides and flanks with cuneate or linear shaft-streaks. Edge of wing, pale yellow. Superciliary stripe canary yellow. Snbmaler and rictal stripes sooty, edged with tawny. Malar patch and sides of neck suffnsed with pale buff. Median crown stripe, whitish; otherwise, whcte upper parts broadly streaked with sooty, each feather being centrally black, then tawny, and finally edged with gray- ish. The hind-neck, palest; middle of the back, most heavily narked. The tawny color predominates over the gray, giving the whole bird a decidedly "rusty" appearance. Three specimens of this race are in the collection from Kadiak. AS shown in the following table of measurements the proportions and size of the bill are almost exactly between those of `4. sandwichcrisis and .4. s. alaudinus. The general tone of the upper parts is quite different from either, showing a predominance of tawny. In this brownness of coloration a:anthrophrys resem- bles .4. s. savanna, but the superciliary stripe of the former is very bright yellow and the size of
- Leucosticte kadiaka McGregor, Reprint (sic!) from The Condor, Vol. III, No. I. Author's edition; mailed Nov.
25, I9OO.