Jan., 19o I THE CONDOR 9
Record of Alaskan Birds IN THE COLLECTION OF THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. BY JOSEPH GRINNELL. The Zoological Museum of the Leland Stanford Junior University contains several small collections of birds taken at various times .in the western part of Alaska, and these I believe afford data of enough value to warrant the present paper. Dr. C. H. Gilbert of the Zoological Department of the University has kindly given me permission to work over the material, and has also aided me with pertinent suggestions. The Alaskan bird skins in the Museum number nearly two hundred, and were taken in the following localities: Pribilof Islands (both St. George and St. Paul), Amagnak Island, Belkoosky Bay, Unga Island, Kadiak Island and Prince William Sound. I have thought it better to record the birds in a separate list for each locality. Unfortunately there .re no field-notes eccompanying the specimens, so that the annotations are chiefly of a technical nature. I have made use of the collection of the California Academy of Sciences in comparing specimens, as well as my own series of Alaskan birds. PRIBILOF ISLANDS. Twenty-one species are represented in the collection from this group of islands. They were all taken by Shodgrass (R. E.) and Greeley, (A. W.) between July 25 and September 4, I897. Two of these species ( 5Volanus melanoleucus and Sa:citola oenanthe) are new to the list of birds known from the Pribolofs. The exhaustive paper by William Palmer on "Avifauna of the Pribilof Islands, " enumerates sixty-nine species of authentic occurrence. One other has since been recorded (Trinffa acuminata). The present additions probably come under the head of casual or irregular visitants, and bring the total list of birds known from this group of islands up to seventy-two species. I. Lunda cirrhata Pall. Tufted Puffin. St George Island. , July 26; St. Paul Island, c ?, September I. 2. Fratercula corniculala (Naum.). Horned Puffin. St. Paul Island, ?, August 22, September and 4. 3. Cyclorrhynchspsiltaculus (Pall.). Paroquet Auklet. St. George Island, ?, July 26. 4. imorhynchus cristalellus (Pall.). Crested Auklet. St. George Island, c ? ?, July 26. 5. Simorhynchuspusillus (Pall.). Least Auklet. St. George Island, ?, July 26; St, Paul Island, ?, August 2. 6. (,5ia lornvia arra (Pall.). Pallas's Murre. St. George Island, ?, July 25, 7. ]issa brevirostris (Bruch). Red-legged Kittiwake. St. George Island, , july 26. 8. Lrruslaucescens Naum. Glaucous-winged Gull. St. Paul Island, ? Jul., September 4. 9. thalacrocora.v urile (Gruel.). Red-faced Cormorant. St. Paul Island, c , July 3; , September 2, o. Harelda hyemalis (Linn.). Old-squaw. St. Paul Island, August I7, two downy young evidently not more than two days old. This seems to indicate an unusually late nesting date. . d),ymophilus.ulicarius (Linn.). Red Phalarope. St. Paul Island, , August x7: ?, August 3 x. 2. ]halaropus lobatus (Linn.). Northern Phalarope. St. Paul Island, ?, August 3.. 3. Tr'in,a plzlocuemis Coues. Pribilof Sandpiper. St. George and St. Paul Islands, eight specimens, August I7-2..
- The Fur-Seals and Fur-Seal Islvnds of the North Pacific. Part 3. Vashing ton: 1899. P. 355.
'4. Am. Fauna, No. t9. Birds o the Yukon Reioq, elc. By I?r. I . P. Bishop, Cctober, i9oo, p. 66.