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Skimme, Black, 4, 45, 46, 47, 170, 172, 177 Skinner, M. ?., notes on the dipper in Yel- lowstone National Park, 18 Skylark, 202 Solitaire, Townsend, 78, 81, 97 Sora, 98 Sparrow, Bell, 200, 212 California Sage, 68 Cassin, 181 Chipping, 59 Dwarf Marsh, 95 Eastern Fox, 53, 184 English, 197, 213 Fox, 48 Grasshopper, 154 Lincoln, 74 Nuttall, 65 San Diego Song, 29 Savannah, 95 Song, 75, 188 Sooty Fox, 49, 52 Swamp, 136 Townsend Fox, 49, 53 Western Lark, 62, 190 Western Tree, 97 Western Vesper, 75 White-crowned, 98 White-throated, 96 Yakutat Song, 65 Spatula clypeata, 24, 65 Speotyto cunicularia floridna, 29 Spizella monticola ochracea, 97 Spoenbill, Roseate, 12, 46, 98, 175 Sprig, 65 Squatarola squatarola, 184 Starling, 36, 60, 202 Steganopus tricolor, 102, 184 Stephens, Frank, occurrence of the surf scoter on fresh water, 134 Sterna antillarum, 4, 39, 171 caspia, 4, 39, 171 forsteri, 4, 39 hitundo, 4, 29, 39, 171 maxima, 4, 39, 171 sandvicensis acuflavida, 4, 39, 171 Sternula antillarum browni, 182 Stilt, Black-necked, 175, 184 Stone, Witruer, 138 Stoner, Emerson A., a study of roosting holes of the red-shafted flicker, 54; rufous hummingbird tragedy, 65; be- havior of a barn owl in captivity, 99 Stork, 123 Strong, Win. Duncan, burrowing owl off the Virginia coast, 29 Sula nebouxi, 28 Swallow, Bank, 97 Tree, 98, 179 Violet-green, 200 Swarth, H. S., review of Richard C. McGre- gor and Elizabeth J. Marshall's "Philippine birds for boys and girls", 139 Swift, Chimney, 30, 75 Vaux, 184 T Tanager, Summer, 97 Western, 97, 136, 200 Tattler, Wandering, 65 TaverneL P. A., a correction: Brewer black- bird not occurring in northern Brit- ish Columbia, 31; crossbills eating aphis, 96 Teal, Blue-winged, 28 Cinnamon, 25, 34, 65 Telmatodytes palustris aestuarinus, 67 Teratornis, 123 Tern, Black, 4, 39, 102, 171 Brown Least, 182 Cabot, 4, 39, 42, 43, 171 Caspian, 4, 39, 40, 41, 171 Common 4, 29, 37, 39, 171 Forster, 4, 39 Gull-billed, 4, 37, 38, 39, 171 Least, 4, 39, 171 Royal, 4, 39, '42, 43, 171 Thalassoaetus pelagicus, 66 Thrasher, 212 California, 200 Curved-billed, 12, 180 Leconte, 68 Sage, 63 Sonoma, 62 Thrush, Audubon Hermit, 81 Gray;checked, 60 Hermit, 60 Olive-backed, 60 Willow, 81 Wilson, 60 Wood, 60 Thryomanes bewicki Charienturus, 138 bewicki drymoecus, 97 bewicki marinensis, 97 Titlark, 60 Titmouse, Plain, 200 San Diego, 63 Todd, W. E. Clyde, a new sparrow from southern California, 126 Totanus flavipes, 101, 175 melanoleucus, 175 Towhee, 212 Abert, 98 Anthony Brown, 190 Brown, 193, 203 Canyon, 181 Green-tailed, 135 Spurred, 200

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