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Melopelia asiatica, 96, 213 Melospiza georgiana, 136 lincolni lincolni, 74 melodia caurina, 65 melodia cooperi, 29, 35, 138 melodia santaecrucis, 35 Merganser, American, 25, 68 Hooded, 96' Mergus americanus, 25 Michael, Chas. W., water ouzel eating a fish, 98 Micropallas whitneyi, 96 Miller, Loye, fossil birds from the pleisto- cene of McKittrick, California, 122 Mimus polyglottos, 153 polyglottos leucopterus, 138, 179, 197 Mniotilta varia, 182, 185 Mockingbird, 153, 197, 198, 199, 202 Western, 179, 190 Molothrus ater artemisiae, 207, 208, 209, 210 ater ater, 179 ater californicus, 208, 209, 210 ater obscurus, 96, 179, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210 Munro, J. A., albino robin returning to for- mer nesting site, 62; yellow-headed blackbird in company with Brewer blackbirds, 93 Murre, California, 26, 27 Muscivora forficata, 178 Myadestes townsendi, 78, 97 Myiarchus magister magister, 134 Nelson, E. W., communication (the Biolog- ical Survey bird counts), 70 Ni--ce, Margaret M., some new birds for Ok- lahoma, 181 Nighthawk, Texas, 97, 178 Nightingale, 202 Nordhoff, C. B., notes on some water-fowl, 64 Numenius americanus, 46, 175 tahitiensis, 65 Nutcracker, 19 Nuthatch, Brown-headed, 16.1 Pigmy, 162 Pygmy, 200 Red-breasted, 16'1 Slender-billed, 200 White-breasted, 161 Nycticorax nycticorax naevius 5, 25, 102, 175 O Oceanodroma markhami, 23 melania, 28 tristrami, 28 'Ochthodromus wilsonius, 46, 175 Oidemia deglandi, 95, 211, 212 perspicillata, 134 Oreortyx picta picta, 96 Oreoscoptes montanus, 63 Oreospiza chlorura, 135 Oriole, Baltimore, 59 Bullock, 74 Orchard, 59 Osprey, 25 American, 67 Otocoris alpestris actia, 68 alpestris ammophila, 68 alpestris giraudi, 46 alpestris leucolaema, 94 Otus asio bendirei, 30 flammeolus, 34 Ouzel, Water, 98 Owl, Barn, 25, 31, 99 Burrowing, 98, 100 California Screech, 30, 100 Coast Pigmy, 31 Eagle, 103 Elf, 96 Flammulated Screech, 34 Florida Burrowing, 29 Long-eared, 29 Saw-whet, 139 Western Horned, 25 Oxyechus vociferus, 25, 102, 175 Oyster-catcher, 176 Palmer, R. H., the cedar waxwing in Mex- ico, 183 Pandion haliaetus carolinensis, 25, 67 Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi, 29, 177 Parapavo, 123 Parrot, Thick-billed, 71 Passerculus sandwichensis brooksi, 95 sandwichensis savanna, 95 Passerella iliaca, 48 iliaca annectens, 35 iliaca fuliginosa, 52, 53 iliaca iliaca, 184 iliaca townsendi, 53 Passerina ciris, 179 Pelecanus californicus, 32, 213 erythrorhynchcs, 101, 173, 184 occidentalis, 4, 173 Pelican, Brown, 4, 170, 172, 173, 174 California Brown, 32, 213 White, 101, 173, 184 Pelidna alpina sakhalina, 175 ?emberton, J. R., the reddish egrets of Cam- eron County, Texas, 3; a large tern colony in Texas, 37

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