Nov., 1922 INDEX TO VOLUME xxIv 221
136; a third record of the gry-head- ed junco in California, 137; the mi- metic aspect of the mocker's song, 153 Dickey, Donald R., and van Rossera, A. J., a winter record of the Kern red-wing, 26; an inland occurrence of the com- mon tern, 29; early nesting of the tricolored blackbirfl and mallard, 31; the validity of the Catalina Island quail, 34; slight extension of the breeding range of the western lark sparrow, 62; breeding of the San Di- ego titmouse on the Mohave Desert, 63; wintering of the Nuttall sparrow in Los Angeles County, 65; Kern County notes, 67; the occurrence of the desert horned lark in sou0nern California, 94; the gray flycatcher In the White Mountains of California, 137; distribution of Molothrus ater in California with the description of a new race, 206 Dipper, 18 Dove, Inca, 176 Mexican Ground, 98, 101, 176 Mourning, 170, 176, 200 Western Mourning, 98 White-winged, 96, 213 Dowitcher, 175 Long-billed, 184 Dryobates pubescerts, 158 scalaris bairdi, 12 scalaris cactophilus, 101 villosus monticola, 74 Dubois, A.D., our English nomenclature, 158 Duck, Dusky, 65 Florida Black, 64 Fulvous Tree, 98 Harlequin, 180 Masked, 64 Mottled, 173 Ring-necked, 101 Ruddy, 24, 98, 101 Eagle, Bald, 66 Golden, 33, 66, 123 Kamchatka Sea, 66 Editorial notes and news, 35, 69, 102, 138, 186, 214 Egret, 24 American, 213 Reddish, 3, 5, 39, 46, 170, 174, 179 Snowy, 174, 213 Egretta candidissima candidissima, 174, 213 Empidonax griseus, 137 Erismatura jamaicensis, 24, 101 Euphagus carolinus, 31 cyanocephalus, 31 Falco columbarius columbarius, 34 islandus, 28 mexicanus, 33 peregrinus, 123 peregrinus ariaturn, 34, 181 sparverius, 123 sparverius phalaena, 34 sparverius sparverius, 177 Falcon, Prairie, 33 Finch, Aleutian Rosy, 88, 90, 92 Cassin Purple, 74., 81 House, 190 Purple, 59, 60, 80, 200 Flicker, Gilded, 168 Mearns Gilded, 97 Northern, 96 Red-stafted, 54, 197, 200 Florida caerulea, 175 Flycatcher, Acadian, 59 Arizona Crested, 134 Ash-throated, 197, 200 Crested, 48 Gray, 137 Great-crested, 60 Least, 59 Olive-sided, 59, 200 Scissor-tailed, 178 Traill, 59, 197 Vermilion, 62, 98 Yellow-bellied, 59 Fulica americana, 25, 175 Gabrielson, Ira N., some hawks of Harney Valley, Oregon, 33 Gadwall, 24, 65 Oallinula galeata, 175 Oallinule, Florida, 175 Gayla adamsi, 204 Gelochelidon nilotica, 4, 39, 171 Oeococcyx californianus, 177, 180 Oeothlypis trichas scirpicola, 134 trichas sinuosa, 134 Oeranoaetus, 123 Oignoux, Claude, nesting of the spotted sandpiper on the Russian River, 185 Gilbert, Charles H., Kamchatka sea eagle at Kodiak, Alaska, 66 Olaucidium gnoma grinnelli, 31 Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray, 60 Western, 200 Godwit, Marbled, 184 Golden-eye, Barrow, 25