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Nov., 19:22

INDEX TO VOLUME XXI A Accipiter cooperi, 33 velox, 33 Actiris mocularia, 25, 74, 102, 185 Aechmophorus occidentalis, 184 Aegialitis nivosa, 175 Agelaius phoeniceus aciculatus, 26, 209 phoeniceus fortis, 75 phoeniceus neutralis, 209 phoeniceus sonoriensis, 60 tricolor, 31 Aimophila ruficeps canescens, 126 ruficeps ruficeps, 126 ruficeps sororia, 126 Ajaia ajaja, 12, 46, 173 Allen, Arthur A., 102 Allen, W. E., perching pelicans, 213 Aluco pratincola, 25, 99 Ammodrorous ruficeps, 126 Amphispiza nevadensis canescens, 67 Anas fulvigula maculosa, 173 platyrhynchos, 31, 101 superciliosa, 65 Anhinga anhinga, 172 Anser albifrons, 64 Apheloc0ma californica californica, 96 woodhousei, 181 Aquila chrysaetos, 33, 123 Archibuteo. ferrugineus, 33 Iagopus sancti-johannis, , 212 Archilochus colubris, 63, 178 Ardea herodias treganzai,.24 herodias wardi; 5, 46, 174 occidentalis, 10 Arenaria interpres morinella, 184 Asio wilsonJanus, 29 Astragalinus lawrencei, 96 tristis pallidus, 96 ' Asyndesmus lewisi, 96 Auklet, Least, 89 Auriparus fiaviceps fiaviceps, 181 Averill, Charles Ketchurn, a law governing the elevation of the nesting site, 57 Avocet, 46, 47, 159, 184 Baeolophus inornatus inornatus, 35 inornatus murinus, 63 Bailey, Alfred M., notes on the yellow-billed loon, 204 Bailey, Bernard, corrections of errors in Pacific Coast Avifauna no. 14, 29; two birds from the Bitterroot Valley, Montana, 212 Bailey, Florence Merriam, cactus wrens' nests in southern Arizona, 163 Bancroft, Grlffing, some winter birds of the Colorado delta, 98 Bassett, Frank N., the bathing of humming- birds, 63; turkey vulture wintering at Chico, Butte County, California. 99 Bent, A. C., communication (life histories of North American birds), 216 Bergtold, W. H., wasted ornithological ma- terial, 82 Berry, S. Stillman, magpies vrsus live-' stock: an unfortunate new chapter in arian depredations , 13 Bicknell, Mrs. F. T., the snowy egret in Los Angeles County, California, 213 Birds banded, record of, 35, 138 Blackbird, Brewer, 31, 93, 212 Kern Red-winged, 26 Red-winged, 60, 75, 212 Rusty, 31, 60 Sonora Red-winged, 60 Tricolored, .31 Yellow-headed, 34, 93, 212 Bluebill, 173 Bluebird, 60, 158 American, 158 Chestnut-backed, 158 Mexican, 158 San Pedro, 158 Western, 158, 200 Bombycil!a cedrorum, 183 Bonnot, Paul, notes on the voice of the Cal- ifornia screech owl,. 30 Booby, Blue-footed, 28 Bowles, J. Hooper, the white gyrfalcon in 'Montana, 28; the California brown pelican in the state of Washington, 32 Bramkamp, R. A., some water birds seen in San Gorgonio pass, 101 Brant, Black, 64 Branta nigricans, 64 Brooks, Allan, on the occurrence of the bur- fie-head at Eagle Lake, 25; notes on the American p.ine grosbeaks with the description of a new subspecies, 86; what color are the feet of the western gull?, 94 Bubo virginianus pallescens, 25, 67 Buffle-head, 25, 68, 211. Bunting, Indigo, 59 Lark, 29, 74, 75, 101 Painted, 179 Pribilof Snow, 88

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