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MALES (all from California): Coil. No.  H 702 H 703 H 704 H 705 H 706 H 710 H 711 H 712 H 718 H 728 H 825 H 826 J 816 19515 - 195162 20100 .0 256232 29187: Molothrus ater calilornicus Depth Locality Date Wing Tail Tarsus CulmenBill at Base Buena Vista Lake May 20, 1920 107.8 75.2 25.5 17.6 10.4 Buena Vista Lake May 20, 1920 108.5 75.4 25.4 17.4 10.0 Buena Vista Lake May 20, 1920 103.0 72.4 24.0 18.1 10.0 Buena Vista Lake May 20, 1920 105.1 73.0 25.0 17.0 10.5 Buena Vista Lake May 20, 1920 105.4 73.8 24.6 17.5 10.1 Buena Vista Lake May 21, 1920 100.0 73.0 25.0 17.8 10.6 Buena Vista Lake May 21, 1920 103.5 71.2 25.3 17.4 10.g Buena Vista Lake May 21, 1920 100.5 68.5 23.8 17.1 9.4 Buena Vista Lake May 21, 1920 102.0 70.0 25.5 18.0 10.4 Buena Vista Lake May 23, 1920 105.0 72.4. 24.0 17.7 10.(I Buena Vista Lake June 2, 1920 102.2 68.7 26.2 17.1 10.1 Buena Vista Lake June 3, 1920 106.2 73.1 25.7 17.6 10.4 Buena Vista Lake June 19, 1921 102.4 72.3 25.4 16.6 10.I Bakersfield May 10, 1911 100.0 69.4 24.4 17.3 11.0 Bakersfield May 10, 1911 106.4 78.1 25.4 17.6 10.7 Weldon July 6, 1911 103.0 71.4 25.0 18.2 11.0 Snelling May 29, 1915 100.0 69.0 24.3 15.7 10.0 Mendora June 15, 1918 102.5 72.0 25.3 16.5 -10.5 Minimum: 100.0 68.5 23.8 15.7 9.4 Maximum: 108.5 78.1 26.2 18.2 11.0 Average: 103.5 72.2 25.0 17.3 10.3 'Collection of Donald R. Dickey, unless otherwise specified. Univ. Calif. Mus. Vert. Zool. trict. Molothrus ater obscurus Twenty breeding males from Imperial Valley, and two from the San Diegan Dis- Wing Tail Tarsus Culmen Depth Bill at Base Minimum: 97.5 66.3 21.0 15.6 9.3 Maximum: 106.5 77.0 25.0 17.0 10.9 Average: 102.1 71.0 o 23.7 16.5 10.9  Molothrus ater artemisiae Ten breeding males from Humboldt County, Nevada. Minimum: 111.3 73.6 26.0 17.0 10.6 Maximum: 118.4 82.4 '29.0 19.5 11.6 Average: 114.3 77.6 28.0 18.0 11.2 Average of five males from Independence, selected as showing that artemisiae in nearly typical form occurs at these southern points (intergrades with obscurus being excluded): 110.3 75.4 27.3 18.4 10.8

Pasadena, California, September 22, 1922.

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