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there were eight or ten pairs of birds, based on males we .saw and heard. The females were evidently sitting and were not observed, nor did we find a nest. Males taken were breeding birds, and Mr. Fleming, of Toronto, to whom I sent a couple of skins for positive identification, agrees with my opinion that this is the first record of the species east of the Rockies, certainly the first for Sas- katchewan. Zonotrichia leucophrys leucophrys. White-crowned Sparrow. Several pairs of this species were noted in the above district, and thanks to Mr. Pot- ter's vigilance, a nest with five eggs, incubation advanced, was found on his ranch June 18, 1919. Mr. A. C. Bent and Mr. Spreadborough, I believe, mention it as common in 1907 and 1908 in the Cypreas Hills and apparently breeding,

Fig. 47. THE SOUTIt CYPRESS HILLS, NEAR FASTEND, SASKATCI-IEWAN; NEST OF FERRUGINOUS ROUGIt-LECED HAWK IN FOREGROUND. though I do not know if the actual finding of nests and eggs has before been recorded from the region. It is interesting to note that we have a skin of Z. 1. gainbell in the Provincial Museum taken at Reindeer Lake, July 16, 1914. Spiella soais olis. Chipping Sparrow. As far as my observatiorm go, this bird is not common in any part of the province. A breeding male was taken in the Cypress Hills, June 15, 1919. Otocoris a]pestris leucolaema, Desert Horned Lark. From specimens taken in the Cypress Hills, this would appear to be the only form found in that re- gion.

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