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For lale, Exchange and Want Column.--Any Cooper Club member is entitled to one

advertising notice in each issue free. loticee of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. For this department, address W. Lc CHaBliS, agle Rock, Lo Angeles (ounty, (alt?ornta. WANTgo---Bird-Lore, vol. x, index only; vol. xi, nos. 2, 3, 5; vol. ixi, nos. 1, 2. Osprey, vol. , nos. 2, 4; vol. i, nos. 8, 9, 10; vol. 5, nos. 4, 10, 11-12; New Series, no. 7. Journ. Maine Orn. Soc., vol. v, nos. 2, 3, 4; vol. nos. 1, 3, 4; v01. vii, nos. 1, 2, 3; vol. VIII, nos. 2, 3, 4; vol. ix, nos. 3, 4; vol. XlXX, nos. 2, 3, 4. State cash prices in first letter.-- RP W. JACKSON, Route no. 1, Cambridge, Maryland. WArT,O---A no. I sets with full data of eggs on A. O. U. Check-list from no. I to no. 441. Send exchange list to D. BERNZaO BmL, 731 East St. James St., San Jose, California. S.LE EXTRAORDINARY--Duplicate negatives, accmnulation of 15 years, to be sold, to make room. Many of much interest; a few very rare. Publication right allowed. Four grades: $.50, $1.00, $1.50 per dozen; and $.50 each, all net. Must be sold. After one month price to be dropped 10% each week. Better order now. List, particulars, five cents, stamps.--P. B. PEABOOY, Blue Rapids, Kan- sas. FOR SAL or ExcANo--Bird-Lore, vols. 16, 17, 18, $1.25 each; Auk, vol. 30 (1905), $2; Birds of North and Middle America, vols. 7 and 8, $2.25 each; "50 Common Birds of Farm and Orchard", and "Birds of Town and Country", bound in one, wrappers, color- ed plates, $1.25. Postage extra in all cases. Would like any map, literature or corre- spondence relating to the Farmington Canal Company or The Hampshire and Hampden Canal Company. Write B. F. CAs, Tolland, Conn. WANTSO--First Series of The Warbler, vol. , no. 5, ept.-Oct., 1903; vol. , no. 5, Sept.- Oct., 1904, no. 6, Nov.-Dec., 1904.--Gv:Y C. RICH, 1820 El Cerrito Place, Hollywood, Calif. WANTO---A .32 Cal. collecting pistol, or heavy barreled .22 cal. pistol that can be rebored to take the regulation .32 aux. shot shell. Have to exchange a 12-inch Game Getter gun in fair condition, with Ideal re- loading tool, 200 shells and 1000 felt wads. Value $15.00. Also a fine professional mi- croscope, 3 objectives, case, etc., value $50.00. Or will pay cash for suitable gun.---GEo. G. CANTWELL, Puyallup, Wash. FOR SzE-The Condor, vols. 3 to 20, com- plete as issued, paper, the set, $35.00; Pac. Coast Avifauna, nos. 1 to 8, and no. 11, pa- peL the set, $10.00; Proceedings Zoological Society of London, 1830-1849, complete, 19 vols. ("parts"), cloth, the set, $30.00.--Tcg I. STOrR, Museum o! Vertebrate Zoolagy, BerkeIey, Calif. TH B.V BiRo will help you find your Happiness Out-of-doors. Published monthly, the year 'round. The latest news on legis- lation affecting our wild birds. "The Way of the Protectionist", a serial on Bird Pre- servation now running. Rates: $1.50 per year; 15 cents the single copy.--BLy BIRO, 1010 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUm, Balboa Park, San IDiego, Calif., offers for ale copies of "An Annotated List of the Birds of San Diego County, California," by Frank Stephens; price 25c. Stam9s tken. WANZv--To exchange for or 9urchase good scientific bird skins to comicIcrc varia- tions and genera in my collection. Please send lists with general wants or terms.--C. L. PHILLIPS, 5 West Weir lt., Taunton, Mass. MEETINGS OF THE GOOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB l'orthern Division: 8 P. ., third Thursday of month, at Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley. Take any train or car to Univer- sity Campus. The Museum is the corrugated iron building on south side of campus just north of football bleachers.--Mas. ArLIA MOSSwood Road, Berkeley, outhern Division: 8 P. ., last Thursday of month, at Museum of History, Science, and Art, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Take "University" car south on Spring St., or "Vermont and Georgia" south on Hill. Get off at Vermont and Thirty- ninth, and walk two blocks east to Exposition Park. The Museum is the build- ing with the large dcme.--L. E. WgAN, ec'y., care of Museum. Intermountain Chapter: Get date and place from the Sec'y., AsHaY D. BoYr.E, 351 6th Ave., alt Lake City, Utah. lan Bernardino Chapter: Get date and place from the Sec'y., M. Banning, ali].

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