Nov., 1919 INDtX TO VOLUME XXI 251
Tree-duck, Fulvous, 73 Tringa canutus, 173 Trinomials and current practic;, 91, 171 Troglodytes aedon parkmani, 88 Tropic-bird, Red-billed, 88 Yellow-billed, 88 Tryngites subruficoilis, 238 Tyler, John G., a recent record of Mycteria americana in the San Joaquin Valley, 127; letter from, 43; the California Shrike probably mates for life, 122-123 Tyrannus tyrannus, 204 verticalis, 29, 204 V Van Denburgh, J., nesting of the Western Willet in California, 39-40 Van Fleet, Clark C., a short paper on the Hutton Vireo, 162-165 Veery, 70 Vermivora celata, 85 celata orestera, 42 virginiae, 42 Vireo, Cassin, 68 Hutton, 162-165 Least, 29 Red-eyed, 84, 153 Warbling, 85 Western Warbling, 153, 206 Vireo belli pusillus, 29 huttoni huttoni, 162 solitarius cassini, 68 Vireosylva gilva, 85 gilva swainsoni, 206 olivacea, 84 Vulture, Turkey, 203 W Wall, Edward, California Black Rail at San Bernardino, California, 238; the Wil- son Snipe nesting in southern Cali- fornia, 207-209 Warbler, Audubon, 63, 85, 125, 206 BlackburnJan, 221 Black-poll, 85 Black-throated Gray, 68 Calaveras, 77 California Yellow, 88 Golden Pileolated, 68 Lutescent, 23 Macgillivray, 85 Magnolia, 85 Myrtle, 63, 65, 85 Orange-crowned, 63, 85 Palm, 166 Rocky Mountain Orange-crowned, 42 Tolmie, 13 Townsend, 85 Virginia, 42 Wilson, 85 Yellow, 3, 4, 9, 64, $5, 153, 161, 206, 228 Warren, Edward R., bird notes of a stormy May in Colorado Springs, 62-65 Washington, nesting of Short-eared Owl in, 21 Water-thrush, Northern, 85 Waxwing, Cedar, 206 Wells, Gurnie (with Carriger, H. W.), nest- ing of the Northern Pileated Wood- pecker, 153-156 Wetmore, Alexander, bird records from the Sacramento Valley, California, 73-74 Wheeler surveys, reminiscences of,' 177 Whip-poor-will, 225 White, Halsted G., notice concerning, 175 Widgeon, American, 198 European, 86 Wiley, Leo, death notice of, 175 Wilier, Western, 39, 202 Willerr, George, notes on the nesting of two little-known species of petrel, 60-61; some notes from San Diego County, California, 126-127; bird notes from southeastern Oregon and northeastern California, 194-207 Wilsdnia pusilia, 85 pusilla chryseola, 68 Woodpecker, American Three-toed, 83 Arctic Three-toed, 83 Cabanis, 29 California, 67, 125 Downy, 83 Gairdner, 83 Green, 94 Hairy, 82 Lewis, 172, 204 Northern Pileated, 153-156 Nuttall, 235, 236 Pfieated, 83 Red-headed, 11, 40, 64, 173, 174 White-breasted, 41 Wren, Bryant Cactus, 66 Cactus, 66 Dotted Canyon, 28 House, 64 Marsh, 3, 8, 11, 111 Rock, 206 San Diego, 68 Suisun Marsh, 42 Tule, 191, 201 Western House, 88 Western Marsh, 206 Wren-tit, Pallid, 68 Wyman, L. E., notes from southern Califor- nia, 172-173 X Xanthooephalus xanthocephalus, 67, 205 Y Yellowlegs, Greater, 202 Lesser, 202 Yellowthroat, Maryland, 3, 11, 85, 166 Western, 63, 153, 206, 236 Zamelodla melanocephala, 206 Zonotrlchla albicollis, 172 c0ronata, 84 leucophrs, 84 leucophrys gainbell, 205, 223 leucophrys leucophrys, 223 leucophrys nuttalli, 30, 212