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Nov., 1919 INDEX TO VOLUME XXI 247

Kirn, A. J., second occurrence of the Paint- ed Bunting at Solomon, Saline Coun- ty, Kansas, 236 Kitchin, E. A., nesting of the Short-eared Owl in western Washington, 21-25 Kite, Everglade, 57, 170 White-tailed, 46 Knot, 173 Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides, 206 ludovicianus gambeli, 123 Lapwing, 94 Lark, Desert Horned, 223 Merrill Horned, 204 Larus argentatus, 238 californicus, 196, 238 delawarensis, 196, 238 heermanni, 121 Law, J. Eugene, problem: do birds mate for life?, 26-27; the Red-billed Tropic-bird in California, 88; notice concerning, 129 Lawrence, George N., reminiscences of, 221 Leopold, Aldo, notes on Red-headed Wood- pecker and Jack Snipe in New Mexi- co, 40; notes on the behavior of Pin- tail Ducks in a hailstorm, 87; rela- tive abundance of ducks in the Rio Grande Valley, 122; notes on the weights and plumages of ducks in New Mexico, 128-129; a breeding record for the Red-headed Woodpecker in New Mexico, 173-174; differential sex migration of Mallards in New Mexi- co, 182-183 Leucosticte tephrocotis, 84 Limosa fedoa, 74, 173 Lincoln, F. C., notice concerning, 175; ad- ditional notes and records from Colo- rado, 237-238 Linnet, 78 California, 30, 31, 32, 36 Little, Luther, notice concerning 131; White-throated Swift in Contra Costa . County, 235 Lobipes 1obatus, 74 Longspur, Chestnut-collared, 41 Loomis, Leverett Mills, review of his "a re- view of the albatrosses, petrels, and diving petrels", 44-46 Loon, Common, 82 Lophodytes cucullatus, 198 Lophortyx californica vallicola, 67, 202' gambeli, 67 Losses suffered by breeding birds, 65 Loxia curvirostra, 84 curvirostra bendirei, 205 curvirostra minor, 57 Lunda clrrhata, 128 M Macrorhamphus grlseus sco]opaceus, 202 Magpie, 204 Black-billed, 75 Yellow-billed, 74 Mailltard, JoseplY, Nighthawk observed in San Francisco, 40; notes from the Feather River country and Sierra Val- ley, California, 74-77; notice concern- ing, 131; fly-catching birds, 212 Mallard, 4, 108, 122, 128, 182, 198, 228, 229 Black, 128 Mareca americana, 198 Marlla affinis, 199 americana, 198 collaris, 199 martla, 199 Marital tie in birds, 77 Martin, Purple, 206 Western, 76 Mated for life theory, 26, 28, 77 Maynard, C. J., reminiscences of, 107 Meadowlark, 63, 229 Western, 23, 111, 153, 205 Melanerpes erythrocephalus, 40, 173 formicivorus batrdt, 67 Melospiza lincolnt, 84 melodta, 84 melodta coopert, 68, 212 melodta fisherella, 75, 205 melodta merrtllt, 145, 148 melodta samuelis, 107 Merganser, American, 82, 127, 198 Hooded, 111, 198 Red-breasted, 122 Mergus americanus, 82, 127, 198 serratot, 123, 198 Merriam, C. Hart, the Sandhill Crane in northeastern California, 87 Mershon, W. B., the Whistling Swan in Ari- zona, 126 Military service record, 89, 130, 175 Miller, Loye, the Wilson Phalarope in the San Diegan region, 39; Western Gol- den-crowned Kinglet in Los Angeles, 42; the marital tie in birds, 77-80; the Summer Tanager in California, 129 Miller, Olive Thorne, biography of, 69-73; portrait of, 70

Mtmus polygiottos leucopterus, 42, 68 

Minutes of Cooper Club meetings, 46-48, 95- 96, 132-135, 176, 216, 241-242 Mitchell, H. H., sapsuckers and humming- birds, 42; grackles nesting in herons' nests, 86; bird notes from Saskatche- wan, 222-225 Mockingbird, 79 Western, 42, 68 Molothrus ater artemlsiae, 205 ater obscurus, 209 Munro, J. A., notes on the breeding habits of the Red Crossbill in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, 57-60 Murre, California, 240 Muscivora forficata, 41 Myadestes townsendi, 12, 13, 207 Mycteria americana, 127, 236 Myiarchus cinerascens cinerascens, 29, 88 Myiochanes richardsoni, 83

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