246 ..... THI' CONDOR V01.
Elegant Tern as a !ird of California, 230-234 Grosbeak, Black-headed, 27, 64, 79, 153, 206 California Black-headed, 26 Evening, 64 Rose-breasted, 27 Grouse, Ruffed, 82 Sage, 202 Grus canadensis, 173, 200, 213 mexicana, 200, 212, 213 Gull, California, 127, 196 lqranklin, 113, 226 Herring, 238 Ring-billed, 196, 238 Gyrfalcon, Gray, 123 Haliaeetus leucocephalus, 82 leucocephalus leucocephalus, 203 Hanna, W. C., notes from Colton, California, 88 Harris, Har'y, review of his "birds of the Kansas City region", 132; notes on some Catalina Island birds, 171-172 Hawk, Black Pigeon, 239 Cooper, 27, 203, 213 Duck, 89, 203 Ferruginous Rough-legged, 223 Marsh, 4, 6, 9, 191, 203 Pigeon, 89, '172, 203 Red-bellied, 66, 127 Red-tailed, 59 Rough-legged, 203 Sharp-shinned, 2, 152, .172, 213 Sparrow'82, 89, 94, 172, 204 Swainson, 82, 203 Heath, Harold, the Caracara in Californi{,' 125 Heinemann, Oluf J., photos by, 185-188 Helodromas solitarius cinnamomeus 202 Henshaw, Henry Wetherbee, autobiographi- cal notes, 102-107, 165-171, 177-181, 217-222; portrait of, 103, 178, 218 ' Herodias egretta, 73, 200 Heron, Anthony Green, 209 Black-crowned Night, 4, 64, 157-159, 161, 200, 226, 229 Blue, 200 Great Blue, 73, 86 Little Green, 269 Snowy, 74 Hierofalco mexicanus, 89 Himantopus mexicanus 202 Hirundo erythrogastra, 206 Howell, A. B., trinomials and current prac- tice, 91-92; correction of impression, 171; notice concerning, 175 Hubbs, Carl L., records of Larus heermanni with white primary coverts, 121-122 Huey, Laurence, notice concerning, 175 Hummingbird, Allen, 212 Anna, 26, 67, 79 Black-thinned, 28, 67, 122 Broad-tailed, 41, 204 Costa, 28, 67 Ruby-throated, 42 Rufous, 83, 204 Hunt, Richard, notice concerning, 175; a Western' Yellowthroat on the Uni- versity of California campus, 236 Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis, 17 Hylocichla gutrata, 85 gutrata guttara, 172 guttara polionota, 42 guttara sequoiensis, 77 ustulata, 85 ustulata ustulata, 68 Ibis, White-faced Glossy, 200 Wood, 127, 236 Icteria virens virens, 238 Icterus bullocki, 205 Ingersoll, Albert Mills, an autobiography, 53-57; portrait of, 54 Iridoprocne bicolor, 84, 88, 206 Ixobrychus exllis, 200 exllis exilis, 73 Ixoreus naevius, 85 Jay, Blue-fronted, 204 California, 65, 214 Canada, 83 -Gray, 204 Interior California, 41 Long-tailed, 204 Northwestern California, 41 Steller, 83 Jewerr, Stanley G., Gray Gyrfalcon taken in Oregon, 123 Ju,nco aikeni, 120 alticola fulvescens, 120 bairdi, 120 hyemalis, 84, 172 insularis, 120 , mearnsi, 120 oreganus pinosus, 187, 188 oreganus pontills, 119, 120 oreganus thurberi, 68, 120, 184 oreganus townsendi, 119, 120 oregonus, 84 vulcani, 120 Junco, Montana, 152 Oregon, 84 Sierra, 68, 184-188 Slate-colored, 84 Kestrel, 94 Killdeer, 202 Kingbird, 64, 228 Arkansas, 64 Eastern, 204 Western, 29, 204 Kingfisher, 63 Belted, 82 Western Belted, 204 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, gs, 125, 207 Western Golden-crowned, 42, 134