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Business Managers' report, Cooper Ornith- ological Club, 130-131 Buteo borealis calurns, 203 lineatus elegans, 127 swainsoni, 82, 203

Calcarius ornatus, 41 Calidris lu.cophaea, 173 California Academy of Sciences, department of ornithology and mammalogy, 131 California state list of birds, additions to, 41 Calypte anna, 67 costae, 28, 39, 67 Canvasback, 111, 112, 113, 122, 129, 189, 229 Caracara, 125 Carpenter, N. K., evidence that many birds remain mated for a number of years, 28-30; an early or late nesting of Green-backed Goldfinch?, 86; luck, 235-236; a tradition nearly broken, 239 Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis, 30, 68, 205 purpureus californicus, 30 Cartiger, H. W., and Wells, Gurnie, nesting of the Northern Pileareal Woodpecker, 153-156 Catbird, 64, 153, 228, 229 Cathartes aura septentrionalis, 203 Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus, 28 Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus, 39, 202 Centrocercus urophasianus, 202 Cerchneis sparveria, 89 Certhia familaris, 85 familiaris montana, 49 Ceryle alcyon, 82 alcyon caurina, 204 Chaetura vauxi, 74, 83 Chamaea fasciata henshawl, 68 Chapman, Dr. Frank M., portrait of, 43 Charadrius dominicus dominicus, 86 Charitonetta albeola, 82, 199 Chaulelasmus streperus, 198, 199 Chen hyperboreus hyperboreu s, 199 Chickadee, Black-capped, 85 Inyo Mountain, 42 Long-tailed, 152 Chondestes grammacus strigatus, 205 hordeiles virginianus, 83 virginianus henryi, 204 virginianus hesperis, 67, 74 minor hesperis, 40 Circus hudsonius, 203 Clangula americana, 199 Colaptes auratus, 83 caret collaris, 67, 204 Collinge, Walter E., review 9f his "some re- cent investigations on the food of cer- tain wild birds", 93-94 Columba fasciata, 40 Colymbus auritus, 195 nigricollis californicus, 67, 195, 196 Condor, 48, 57 Contopus richardsoni richardsoni, 67 Cooper Ornithological Club, minutes of, 46- 48, 95-96, 132-135, 176, 216, 241-242; re- port of Business Managers, 130-131; directory of members 0f, 135-144 Coot, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 108, 110, 111, 112, 159, 160, 161, 190, 227, 229 Cormorant, Baird, 172 Farallon, 195, 197 Corvus brachyrhynchos, 37, 84 corax, 84 corax sinuatus, 29, 204 Costa collection of birds, 39 Coues, Elliott, reminiscences of, 220, 221 Cowbird, 4, 78, 193 Dwarf, 209 Nevada, 205 Crane, Little Brown, 173, 200, 212, 213 Sandhill, 87, 200, 212, 213 Creciscus coturniculus, 123, 238 Creeper, Brown, 52, 85 California, 52 Mexican, 52 Rocky Mountain, 49-52 Sierra, 52 Crossbill, American, 84 Bendire, 205 Red, 57 Crow, 9, 84, 227 Common, 37 Curlew, American Long-billed, 41 Eastern Long-billed, 237 Lesser Long-billed, 237 Long-billed, 237 Northern Long-billed, 202 Cyanocitta stelleri, 83 stelleri frontalis, 204 Cygnus buccinator, 124 columbianus, 124 Cypseloides niger, 83 Dabchick, 111 Dafila acuta, 87, 198 Dakota lake region, birds of, 3, 108, 157, 189, 225 Dawson, William Leon, the Solitaires of Shasta, 12-21; a northern record of Mimus polyglottos leucopterus, 42; notice concerning, 44 Deane, Mr. Ruthyen, portrait of, 43 Dendrocygna bicolor, 73 Dendroica aestiva, 85 aestiva aestiva, 206 aestiva brewsteri, 88 auduboni, 85 auduboni auduboni, 206 coronata, 85, 206 magnolia, 85 nigrescens, 68 striata, 85 townsendi, 85 Diomedea immutabilis, 61 Dixon, J., review of Stephens' "an anno- tated list of the birds of San Diego County, California", 132

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