Nov., 1919 243
INDEX TO voLuME XXl A Aocipiter cooperi, 203 velox, 82 Actitis macularia, 82, 202 Additions to California state list of birds, 41 Aechmophorus occidentalis, 128, 195 Aegtalitis nivosa, 67, 173 Aepyornis maximus, 97-101 Aeronautes melanoleucus, 135 Agelaius phoeniceus neutralis, 68 phoeniceus nevadensis, 205 Aimophila ruficeps ruficeps, 29 Aix sponsa, 127 Albatross, Laysan, 61 Yellow-nosed, 41, 45 Aluco pratincola, 74 American Ornithologists' Union, councfi of, 43; notice of history of, 44 American Society of Mammalogists, notices of organization of, 44, 130 Amphispiza nevadensis canescens, 213 nevadensis nevadensis, 205 Anderson, Malcolm Playfair, biography of, 115-119; portrait of, 116 Anderson, Melville B., biography of Malcolm Playfair Aderscn, 115-119 Anas platyrhynchos, 198 Anser albifrons albifrons, 199 albifrons gambeli, 41 Anthus rubescens, 206 Antrostomus vociferus vociferus, 225 phelocoma californica, 214 californica immanis, 41, 204 californica ooclel)tica, 41 Aquila chrysaetos, 29, 203 Archibuteo ferrugineus, 127 lagopus sancti-johannis, 203 Archilochus alexandri, 28, 67, 122 colubris, 42 Ardea herodias treganzai, 200 Asio fiammeus, 21, 204 wfisonianus, 127 Astragalinus psaltria hesl)erophilus, 30, 68, tristis salicamans, 30, 68 Astur atricapillus atricapillus, 41 atricalfillus striatulus, 87 Asyndesmus lewisi, 172, 204 Audubon Association of the Pacific, 43 Autobiography of Albert Mills Ingersoll, 53; of Henry Wetherbee Henshaw, 102, 165, 177, 217 Avocet, 202 B Baeolophus inornatus, 29 inornatus griseus, 206 Bailey, Florence Merriam, a return to the Dakota lake region (continued), 3-11, 108-114, 157-162, 189-193, 225-230; Olive Thorne Miller, 69-73 Bailey, Florence Merriam, and Bailey, Ver- non, review of their "the animal life of Glacier National Park", 131-132 Baldpate, 63, 122, 128 Batchelder, Mr. Charles F., portrait of, 43 Beetle-head, 86 Bittern, 6, 10, 112, 200 Least, 73, 200 Blackbird, Brewer, 63, 68, 84, 152, 205 Red-winged, 3, 9, 10, 11, 22, 113, 132, 161 Yellow-headed, 10, 67, 205 Blain, Merrill W., biographical notice of, 130 Bluebird, 37 Chestnut-backed, 63 Mountain, 63, 85, 125, 207 Western, 125, 172, 207 Bobolink, 11, 205 Bombycilla cedrorum, 206 Bonasa umbellus, 82 Botaurus lentiginosus, 200 Bowles, J. Hooper, a second record of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper in the state of Washington, 238-239; notes on the Black-bellied Plover and the Golden Plover, 86 Bradbury, W. C., nesting notes on the Rocky Mountain Creeper, 49-52; some notes on the egg of Aepyornis maximus, 97- 101 Branta canadensis, 126 canadensis canadensis, 199 canadensis hutchinsi, 200 canadensis minima, 200 Brewer, T. M., reminiscences of, 171 Brewster, William, portrait of, 43; reminis- cences of, 105; death notice of, 215 Brooks, Allan, notice concerning, 129; Sharp- shinned Hawks and small birds, 213 Bryant, Harold C., review of Collinge's "some recent investigations of the food of certain wild birds", 93-94; Cal- ifornia Gulls eat earthworms, 127; no- tice concerning, 129; evidence as to the 'food of the Wood Ibis, 236-237; some southern records of the Horned Puffin, 239-240 Bubo virginianus, 82 virginianus occidentalis, 125 virginianus 1)allescens, 204 virginianus subarcticus, 125 Buffiehead, 82, 199 Bunting, Lazuli, 30, 68, 206 Painted, 236 Bush-tit, Coast, 68