Published Bi-Montldy b the Cooper Ornltholoicul Club Entered as second-class matter lovember 29. 1919, at'the post-office at Berekley. California. under Act of Congress of March $, 1879 Issued from the Office of THE CONO. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, Callferule SUBSCRIPTION RATES Two Dollars per lear in the United States. payable in advance. IPorty Cents the single copy. Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cent per lear in all other countries in the International Postal Union. COOPER CLUB DUES Two Dollars per year for members residing in the United States. Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cents in all other countries. IdearecEipts for publicetlon, and Books and Papers for Review, should be sent to the Editor, J. GRIIELL. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. University of CaHfornla. Berkeley. California. Clulm for missing or imperfect numbers should be made of the Business Manager. as addressed below. within thirty days of date of issue. Cooper Club Dues, Subscriltlon_s to The Condor, and EEchnnges, should be sent to the Business Manager. l*or the PurchMo of Back Volumes of The Condor or of the Pociflc Coost Avlfauna series. apply to the Business Manager. W. LEE CHAMaEIS. Business Manager. Fgte Rock, Los Angeles County. California. Issued November 29, 1919 CONTENTS Autobiographical Notes (continued) (with portrait) ............................................ ................................................................................ Henry Wetherbee 217 Bird Notes from Saskatchewan (with three photos) ................... .H.H. Mitchell 2 A Return to the Dakota Lake Region (continued)....Florence MerriarL Bailey 225
- Notes on the Elegant Tern as a Bird of California ................... .Joseph Grinnell 230
FROM FIELD AND STUDY Association of Migrating Waders ........................................ John T. Nichols 235 White-throated Swift in Contra Costa County .................... Lutker Little 235 Luck ........................................................................................... N. K. Carpenter 235 Second Occurrence of the Painted Bunting at Solomon, Saline County, Kansas .................................. ..................................................... A. J. Kirn 236 A Western Yellowthroat on the University of California Campus ............ Richard Hunt 236 Evidence as to the Food of the Xood Ibis .................... Harold C. Bryant 236 The Occurrence of the Long-billed Curlew in Northwestern Califor- nia ........................................... ............................................... -J- Grinnell 237 Additional Notes Lnd Records from Colorado .................... F. C. Lincoln 237 California Black Rail at San Bernardino, California._..Edward Wall 238 A Second Record of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper in the State of Wash- ington ........................................................................... if. Hooper Bowles 238 One Reason for Eliminating Subspecies ........................... .J.H. Fleming 239 A Tradition Nearly Broken ................................................ N. K. Carpenter 239 Some Southern Records of the Horned Puffin ........ Harold C. Bryant 239 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ............................................................................ 239 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ........................................................ 241 INDEX TO VOLUME XXI ........................................................................................ 243