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These 'conclusions could easily be offered on the basis of ocular observa- tions alone. During October one may see whole flocks of Mallards without a drake. During November I have seen many flocks without a hen, and have brought in bags of 7 drakes and I hen, 9 drakes and 4 hens, etc. Duck hunters will readily appreciate that, inasmuch as the bag is almost always derived largely from single birds and pairs, regardless of any effort to pick the green- heads the above figures indicate a preponderance of drakes. In fact the arti- ficial selection of drakes may simply be regarded as a constant factor which does not affect the conclusions here drawn. It may, of course, be suggested that the observed preponderance of hens in October is not reliable because of the obscure coloration of the birds early in the season. In this locality, however, the drakes on October 16 have the chestnut breast patch, white. ring around the neck,. and green head well devel- oped. There are still spots on the under parts and rusty feather-tips on the head, but the general effect is unmistakable. Two other questions might be raised as bearing on the significance of these conclusions. First, were the birds observed migrants or local? They must be migrants. Since the stoppage of spring shooting a few Mallards have nested here; but the movement of ducks begins in August, and by October 16 there are many more ducls of more species, more widely distributed, than could be accounted for as local birds. Second, may this not have been an accidental phenomenon peculiar to 1917 and 1918 ? As to this point I have nothing to offer except an intended continuance of my observations. The testimony of hunters who do not keep written notes is valueless On questions of this kind, no matter how extended their experience. To sum up the foregoing discussion, the writer has concluded that there is a differential sex migration of Mallards in the Rio Grande Valley, the fe- males arriving first and the males afterward. A normal proportion of sexes is not reached until the main flight is over and only the wintering ducks remain. How may this differential migration be accounted for? . I have no answer to this question. A few tagged ducks so far reported in- dieate that in general this part of the Southwest is on the ss.me migration route as Great Salt Lake. Is there possibly a difference between the sexes in the time of completion of the plumage after the flightless period ? Is there possi- bly a differential routing of sexes ? Does the migratory impulse seize the fe- males first ? Has the phenomenon of differential sex migration been observed elsewhere, in this or other species ? .Any evidence on these questions might throw light on this very interesting problem. Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 1, 1919.

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