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For 8ale, Exchange and Want ColumnsAny Cooper Club member is entitled to one

advertising notice in each issue free. Notices of over ten lines,will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. For this department, address W. Lr Cns, aple ROCk, Lo AngeL# County, Caltlorn/. THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, Balboa Park, [an Diego, Calif., offers for sale copies of "An Annotated List of the Birds of San Diego County, California," by Frank Stephens; price 25c. Stamps taken. WTvTo exchange for or purchase geod scientific bird skins to complete varia- tions and genera in my collection. Please send lists with general wants or terms.C. L. PHILLIPS, 5 West Weir t., Taunton, Mass. FoR SLE--Sixteen complete years of "The Auk", 1902 to 1918, inclusive, as well as a few separate numbers of earlier date. All copies unbound and in first class condition. Make offer to WALLACE AAMS, 6019 Colby treet, Oalclamg, CaliL FoR SALE--16 Odd vols. Of Bird-Lore, $1.50 per vol.; 100 single, 30c per copy and up. Forbush's Shore Birds, bound, $2.00. Knight's Birds of Maine, $2.00. Trumbull's Portraits of Birds, $1.75. Sage's Birds of Conn., $1.50.---C. M. CASE, 306 Blue Hills Ave., Hartlord, Conn. WArE---Fleas from birds' nests. For particulars apply to HoN. N. CHARLES ROTHSCHILD, Arundel House, Kensington Palace Grdens, W. 8, London, ingland. Foa SLE--Ridgway's "Birds of North and Middle America", parts I to 7, as issued, pk- per, $24.00 (or bound, 4 vols. in half leath- er, $35.00); The Condor, vols. 3 to 20, com- plete as issued, paper, the set, $35.00; Pac. Coast Avifauna, no 1 to 8, and no. 11, pa- per, the set, $10.00; Proceedings Zoological Society of London, 1830-1849, complete, 19 vols. ("parts"), cloth, the set, $30.00.---TcY I. STOEa, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkelel, Calil. I WANT a complete set or odd volumes of the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Will give good exchange or eash.--W. LEE CHABEaS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, Caliloria. MEETINGS OF THE G00PER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB lorthern Division: 8 v. M., third Thursday of month, at Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley. Take any train or car to Univer- sity Campus. The Museum is the corrugated iron building on south side of campus just north of football bleachers.--MRs. AMrLA S. ALLEN, ec'y., 37 Mosswood Roacl, Berkeley, Calil. outhern Divizion: 8 v. M., last Thursday of month, at Museum of History, Science, and Art, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Take "University" car south on Spring St., or "Vermont and Georgia" south on Hill. Get off at Vermont and Thirty- ninth, and walk two blocks east to Exposition Park. The Museum is the build- ing with the large dome.--L. E. WYMAN, ec'y., care of Museum. Intermountain Chater: Get date and place ro.m the Sec'y., ASHRY D. BOYLE, $5I 5th Ave., [alt Lake City, Utah. an Bernardino Chater: Get date and place from the Sec'y., M. FCH GIL, Banning, Calif.

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