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Cathartes aura septentrionalis. Turkey Vulture. Seen frequently throughout en- tire region traversed. Accipiter cooperi. Cooper Hawk. One seen June 9 along Blitzen River, and an- other near Adel September 2. Circus hudsonlus. Marsh Hawk. Common resident of marshy sections. Breeding plentifully around Malheur lake. Several nests noted in May and early June; first young seen May 20. In fall does considerable damage to young poultry. This latter char- acteristic of the species was entirely new to the writer, as the Marsh Hawk had always been considered strictly a beneficial bird. Mrs. Springer stated that this bird killed her young chickens, and the writer's personal observations fully confirmed the fact" Have never noted this in any other locality and it may be only a local habit. Buteo bo.realis caiurus. Western Red-tail. Pather common in most parts of the region, though rare in summer around Malheur Lake, probably owing to absence of trees. Nest containing three eggs was noted in juniper tree near Clear Lake April 7. Buteo swainsoni. Swainon Hawk. Two birds seen near Malheur Lake June 26 and two the day following; fairly common during August. Common along most of the Fig. 44. NEST AND YOUNG OF EGXET AT MLHEUS LAKE, OXEGON, JUNE 28, 1918. route between Malheur and Klamath Falls in late August and early September. Partic- ularly abundant in canyons on slopes of Warner Mountain. Archibuteo lagopus sancti-Johannis. Rough-legged Hawk. Seen occasionally in late April between the lake and Burns, as also between Burns and Bend. Aquila chrysa//tos. Golden Eagle. Pather common in mountainous sections. Haiiaetus ieucocephaius ieucocephalus. Bald Eagle. Two birds seen at Clear Lake April 8. Faico mexicanus. Prairie Falcon. Breeds plentifully in hill regien surrounding Harney Valley. In fall, appears in vicinity of the lake in some numbers in pursuit of wild fowl and poultry. Falco peregrinus anatu,m. Duck Hawk. Fairly common in August with last spe- cies, but less plentiful. Faico columbarius coiumbarius. Pigeon Hawk. Pigeon hawks were occasionally seen negr Malheur Lake in August. Two specimens examined were clearly referable to the above subspecies.

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