Rallu vlrglnianu. trginlt Rail. A single bird of this species seen May 22 in Malheur Marsh was the only rail noted by me. Porzana carolina. $ora Rail. Dr. ttibbard has eggs of this bird taken in the Mal- heur reglo Mr. Springer states that on different occasions while cutting hay he has flushed a small dark-colored rail of some species. Fullca americana. Coot Seen occasionally at Clear Lake in erly April. Nesting abundantly at Malheur Lake, both in wet meadows and in rules around lake. Began to Fig. 43. NEST OF EGRET, )N BP. OKEI-DOWN TULES, IN SOUTHEIIl END OF MALHEUR LAKE, OREC, O., JUNE 28, 1918. lay early in May and first young were noted June 7. On August 24 I was fairly certain that I saw a Florida (allinule in the marsh but it disappeared in the rules before its iden- tity could be assured. 8reganopus tricolor. Wilson Phalarope. So far as was learned, this bird did not nest on Malheur Reservation the past summer. It appeared early in May but left the vicinity of the lake shortly afterward. It nested in some numbers on wet fields between