work in southeastern Alaska is due to the special interest of Miss Annie M. Alexan- der, and is in accordance with the general plan adopted by her some years ago, namely to contribute to a more complete knowledge of the vertebrate fauna of the Pacific coast of North America. As heretofore, all of the field notes, photographs and specimens be- come at once the property of the University of California. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS , NORTHERN DIVISION APRIL.--The regular meeting of the North- ern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, on the evening of April 17, 1919, at eight o'clock. Dr. Evermann was in the chair and others present were: Messrs. Cox, Grinnell, Hunt, Kibbe, Lastreto, Palmer,
Swarth; Mesdames Allen, Hayes, Kibbe,
Meade, Schlesinger, and Wythe. Visitors present were Miss Barnard, Miss Cassidy, Mrs. Evermann, Miss Johnson, Miss eeler, Mrs. Swarth, Mrs. Wheeler, and Miss 'ythe. The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved, and records of the meet- ings held by the Southern Division in Febru- ary and March were read. Mr. F. N. Basserr and Mrs. Flora C. Hayes were elected to membership, . and the name of B.C. Bell, 235 Eighth St., 'San Francisco, was pro- posed by Mr. A. S. Kibbe. Eleven other names were added from the minutes of the Southern Division. The programs for two symposia to be held at the June meeting of the Pacific Division of the A. A. A. S. wer read by the secretary, also the Rbsolution of Sympathy. drawn up by the committee to be forwarded to the relatives of Mr. Malcolm P. Anderson. Further depredations.upon the water birds of the Farallon Islands, caused by the pres- ence o! oil on the water in that region, were reported by Mr. Lastret0. The Club adopte the Committee of the Audubon Association of the Pacific, who are making an earnest effort to put a stop to the pumping of oily ballast-water from returning tankers. The committee consists of Mr. Lastreto, Presi- dent of the Audubon Association, and Dr. Evermann, President of the Northern Divi- sion of the Cooper Club. Miss Margaret W. Wythe then read a very carefully prepared paper on "Bird- Study as a Part of School Nature-study". this was discussed by several members of the Club especially interested in educa- tional problems. Adjourned.--ArELA S. ALLEN, Secretary. MAY.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology on the evening of May 17, 1919, at eight o'clock. In the absence of Dr. Evermann, Mr. Lastreto presided. The members pres- ent were: Messrs. Bryant, Hall, Hunt, Las- trete, Trenor, and Wright; Mesdames Allen, Cole, Ferguson, Griffin, and Miss Elizabeth Ferguson. Visitors present were Mr. Cole, Mr. Cook and Miss Miller. The minutes .of the preceding meeting were read and approved. Mr. B.C. Bell was elected to membership and eleven names which had been forwarded by the Southern Division were approved. Professor Harold Heath of Stanford University was nominated for membership by Dr. Grinnell. A letter from Professor Melville B. Anderson ac- knowledging the resolutions adopted by the Club with reference to the death of Mr. Mal- colm Playfair Anderson was read by the Sec- retary. A talk on "Some Experiences with Aviary Birds" by Mr. Curtis Wright, followed by a discussion in which several members of the Club participated, brought the meeting to a close. Adjourned.--AMELiA S. ALLEN, Sec- retary. JVNE.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornith- ological Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, on Thursday evening, June 19, 1919. In the absence of all he regular officers of the Division Mr. C. B. Lastrete presided and acted also as sec- retary pro. tern. The following were pres- ent: Members: Mesdames Grinnell, Kelly, Kibbe, Roe, Schlesinger, Misses Culver, Lueddemann, Pringle, Messrs. Bade, Grin- nell, Kibbe, Lastreto, Morley, Trenor; visit- ors: Mesdames Bade, Lueddemann, Misses Ayer, Howitt, Swarth, Wood, Messrs. Aber- nathy, Kinball, Schlesinger, and Sell. The minutes of the May meeting of the Northern Division were read and approved. Reading of the minutes of the .Southern Di- vision was dispensed with. Mr. Harold Heath was elected to membership. Dr. Joseph Grinnell presented a paper on "Sequestration Notes of Birds". General discussion by those present followed, on bird notes and songs, the psychological im- pulses behind them, the relation of notes to life habits and other aspects of this ques- tion. Adjourned.--C. B. LASTRETO, Secreta-
ry, pro tem.