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this is the first breeding record for this species in New Mexico with the exdeption of the one noted by Mr. Ligon below. The Red-headed Woodpecker has been observed in New Mexico apparently with in- creasing frequency since 1915. I find in my records the following notes on the occur- rence of this species: 1 adult bird, Albuquerque, June 7 and 8, 1915. 1 adult, Roswell, Feb. 12, 1916. i adult, 4 miles north of Albuquerque, Aug. 18, 1918. 1 adult, in same locality as the nest above described, May 25, 1919. Mr. J. S. Ligon, of the U.S. Biological Survey, supplies the following notes from his records: July, 1915, nesting at Ft. Sumner, New Mexico. Sept. 9, 1916, 1 adult, South Spring River, Roswell, New Mexico. Sept. 4, 1917, i adult, Los Lunas, New Mexico. Aug. 28, 5 adults observed between LaJoya and Isleta, on the Rio Grande, New Mexico. May 27, 1919, I adult, at White Tail, Sacramento Mts., New Mexico. In a previous issue of THE CO_DOR, I have advanced the theory that the Red-headed Woodpecker is invading New Mexico by way of the telephone poles along the transconti- nental railway lines. In support of this theory it is interesting to note that all the ob- servations listed above were on or near railway lines.--ALDO LEOPOLD, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 17, 1919. EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS The Second Ten Year Index to The Condor will probably be off the press by the time this issue of THE CONDOR reaches our read- ers. No pains have been spared by its com- piler, Mr. J. R. Pemberton, to make this in- dex serviceable in every feasible way. The user will not only be able to find his way to the extensive literature contained in vol- umes XI to XX by species (under all the dif- ferent names employed for each), but will also be guided on the basis of subject mat- ter, geography, and authors. Needless to say every CONDOR subscriber and Cooper Club member should possess himself at once of a copy of this Index (Avifauna No. 13). Applications should be made to the Club business manager, W. LEE CHAMBEBS, ]Sagle Rock, California. About the most thoroughly satisfying book we have yet seen on the birds of any one country is the work now appearing from the press of Witherby & Co., 326 High Hol- born, London, entitled "A Practical Hand- book of British Birds." No less than six ex- perienced students of British birds are col- laborating in the production of the work, each attending to some special portion of the matter relating to each species. Dr. Ernst Harterr is handling the nomenclature and keys; Mr. H. F. Witherby furnishes part of the descriptions and diagnoses, and Miss Annie C. Jackson, part; the field char- acters are drawn up for the most part by Mr. C. Oldham; Mr. Norman F. Ticehurst traces the migrations of the birds; and the Rev. F. C. R. Jourdain deals with their food and breeding habits. Here is a demonstra- tion of the higher plane of output which is bound to be reached through organized co- operative effort. The three parts of the work which have so far appeared, compris- ing over two hundred pages and several ex- cellent plates, respond to our scrutiny as well-nigh ideal, as regards both method 0f treatment and content. Of course our Brit- ish friends have many more years of ornith- ological history to draw from, as well as the records of many more observers, than we of western North America have. Any approach to the completeness shown by their work would as yet be impossible here. Man.y, many years of conscientious gathering and recording of facts yet remain to be done be- fore westsAmericans can.hope to put through so complete a "practical handbook" of our birds. Dr. Witmer Stone, Curator of the Phila- delphia Academy and Editor of The Aulc, has spent the early summer in the Chirica- hua Mountains, southeastern Arizona. Bot- any as well as Ornithology received his at.. tention, though we have an idea the main object of the trip was a thorough rest; for Dr. Stone. is a prodigious worker and has but rarely allowed himself a vacation. Mrs. Stone "came along too"; and Mr. and Mrs.

J. Eugene Law are of the party. Mr. Alex-

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